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Advice for my first affair

I’m looking to have an affair to experiment with sex.
I love my husband and we definitely “make love” when we have sex but he’s never been the experimental type. I’m getting on in my age and want to see what else is out there and do something for me. I feel like it’s my last chance. I’ve come to illicitencounters but not sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any advice for me? What should I be looking for and what should I try first?

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Comments (83)

Onekissmore - 29 Jul, 2024 - 04:54AM

Just want to say that if you are on here you are not happily married, and if you think you are not going to be caught or rick a boat think again. The chances of both due to slip ups are high. Once you are realist about that, then it can be amazing . If you are looking to explore a new sexual world that you feel you have been missing , then all I can say is “ it’s your life, and you certainly only have one crack of making it what you want and not what some else wants it to be or convention dictates” Just go for it and decide for yourself . Good luck , xx

WhiteKnight_99 - 22 Jul, 2024 - 09:31AM

Definitely agree that the first step is seeing if your husband might be more 'experimental' than you think. If he loves you he should want you to be fulfilled as much as possible? You can be honest about not feeling completely fulfilled without talking about an open relationship yet right? I realise I am reducing the market with such a comment 🤣

EmnEm123 - 30 Jun, 2024 - 10:38PM

Perhaps some of the posters should take a look within before being so judgemental of the OP.

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Bikerdude69 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 07:53AM

Does anyone actually read any of these flirt forums.. just saying

Ja5mine90 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 05:50AM

Think about it carefully take your time because you might havw a bit of fun or it might destroy your relationship!

Could you not have an open and honest conversation with your husband telling him you want to experiment because maybe he does too but doesn't know how to bring it up? Maybe both of toy could write down ideas you'd like to try then start with the ones you both want to try?

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AsianGent1986 - 26 Jun, 2024 - 11:16PM

Those advising the OP to just “go for it” and “live” are deluded. Deciding to engage in an affair is a risk based decision. Sure, one takes the necessary precautions but much like anything, has to be evaluated on a risk to reward basis.

I made my decision a while back and but have to recalibrate that risk to reward calculation every so often.

If you indeed love your husband and just missing excitement, I’d recommend a sex therapist first.

In my case I was after the same things as you and tried making it work, communicating my wants and needs etc… it sounds like you have done this basic step within your marriage and should probably do so before embarking on an affair.

Maseratiman - 25 Jun, 2024 - 11:08PM

I’ve had an affair with a long standing marriage the llast woman you would of even think of having affair, she made the first move and she had never had sex like it in all her life and she was recpriool in the sex!😎

NotQuitePoldark - 25 Jun, 2024 - 07:08PM

Not sure who started this post but I totally agree with the sentiment. I think if you have been in a relationship for a long time, just trying things out with a new person would be exciting enough at first. Everyone does things differently and what is normal for one might not be for another. After that, well if you could have an open conversation about what you fantasise about, you might get some ideas:). Saying that, I am also totally new to this site, I have never had an affair, so what do I know!!

Funbunny48 - 23 Jun, 2024 - 07:13PM

So first time on this chat forum, no idea how it works!! 😂

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1678528 - 22 Jun, 2024 - 05:23PM


Sorry man but once that shower is on, I’m not moving, it’s just me and the water..as one.

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