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When will I see you again?

I have met 4 beautiful ladies in the past few months since joining IE. I enjoyed all my meets enough to have a second date but have subsequently been ghosted and rejected by all of them. I have another first meet arranged next week. What can I do to increase my chances of a second meet and hopefully a longer term IE?

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Comments (31)

Peaches1 - 02 Sep, 2024 - 11:17PM

I cant seem to get past the first date without them mentioning a hotel after an hours brew. Gives me the ick, so no second date from me.

1689233 - 23 Jul, 2024 - 10:55AM

As piece of shit Russell Brand once said "ghosting is an invitation to relinquish the relationship!".

Don't overthink it, they weren't meant to be. Tell yourself that they're the ones who missed out and keep searching.

I'm saying the above on the assumption that you're a decent fella and not a living breathing red flag to potential IEs.

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1680841 - 17 Jul, 2024 - 06:13PM

So, you've made an impression during the 'messaging' phase; either on here or via another platform. Swapped pics; again, either on here or another platform.
You've both then gone so far as to arrange one or two meets but nothing thereafter?

Have you perhaps 'over egged' the messaging? Bigged yourself up beyond your capability? Have your pics been a fair representation of you and not old, poor quality or filtered?
Does your profile (be it basic or detailed) reflect you?

When you met, did you get a positive reaction from your date (eye contact, body language, the flow of conversation)? Was the experience fun, enjoyable? Did the time you spent together seem to vanish too quickly?
Could you have missed a cue; subtle or otherwise.

Loads of things to consider here that normally happen in the blink of an eye of meeting someone

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1688202 - 17 Jul, 2024 - 05:53PM

The worst is when you've met a few times and think this is going OK, exchange messages and naughty pics between meets and open up a bit more with each other.... then complete radio silence although you can still see they've been logging in. WTF you'd think as adults doing this we can say it how it is right if we've lost interest or changed our mind.
So very tempted to send a sarcastic message, but it's easier just to not waste your time and find someone else.

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1687814 - 16 Jul, 2024 - 06:41PM

Until you know why your previous dates haven’t progressed, you’re not gonna know so until that happens, everything else is just guessing.

Funguy77 - 16 Jul, 2024 - 02:08PM

@ rarity23 - 16 Jul, 2024 - 01:39PM

That’s the idea scenario and you express it so eloquently

@ Beckysharp - 16 Jul, 2024 - 01:50PM

lol like teenagers aye 😂 love the thought of that

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Ciao1970 - 16 Jul, 2024 - 02:07PM

Wear a George Clooney mask! Works for me! 😂

1408586 - 16 Jul, 2024 - 01:50PM

Agree with the natural progression comment. During our second meet we got our diaries out towards the end to plan the date for our third. And made out like teenagers 😂 (sorry tmi!)

I think if after a second meet you’re not sure if the other person wants to meet again that’s probably not a good sign!

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rarity23 - 16 Jul, 2024 - 01:39PM

After a first date, I ask if they would like to meet again, if the answer is mutually yes, a kiss would naturally follow

After a second date and if progressing, I might suggest a third, or see how they feel about a hotel date.

It should just be a natural follow on.......ask for feedback if you're not seeming to get anywhere

Hope this helps you OP

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ExoticOrchid - 16 Jul, 2024 - 09:50AM

Jonnydieppe - 07:11PM

So you're stuck at Amber and not had the green light ... 🤔

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