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It’s about location?

I am sure people are frustrated with where they live, compared to all those possible IEs elsewhere?

Can you have a long distance IE?

What’s the furthest you’ve travelled?

Are you too postcode specific?

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Comments (27)

Jaaqman - 16 Oct, 2024 - 04:59PM

Definitely depends on personal circumstances including whether you travel for work. Don't want to have to travel too far but equally don't want to be having an affair with my neighbour. Respect to djlater though for seeing someone on the same street, that's brave!

HalfriceHalfchips - 16 Oct, 2024 - 03:34PM

Comes in handy when you have a bike and go for regular rides on the weekend.👍

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Unwoke! - 15 Oct, 2024 - 12:35PM

As in all things subjective - it depends!
20 miles is just around the corner for some but the other end of the country for some.
How far are you prepared to travel to get away from whatever it is you're getting away from? And how far are you prepared to travel to get to what's waiting for you at the other end?
If your 'how far' matches your lover's 'how far' then bingo! 😊

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Awordsmith - 15 Oct, 2024 - 11:01AM

As with so much in life, it’s a trade-off! The further, you have to travel the lower the risk of being spotted by a friend or neighbour ie of being caught with your proverbial pants down! BUT the more you value your time together, because IE’s are inevitably infrequent, and never on impulse

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KBH1981 - 15 Oct, 2024 - 10:23AM

Location absolutely matters, being an hour+ away makes things much more difficult to arrange

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djlater - 14 Oct, 2024 - 03:31PM

I was once very specific and ended up having an affair with somebody in the same street! Now I'm more relaxed, it's better if there's a neutral meeting place which we can both get to (and not be recognised) fairly easily (1-2 hours)

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rarity23 - 11 Oct, 2024 - 03:22PM

I find I'm more likely to meet someone out of county than local.
I'm quite happy if that special person is a couple of hours away and is happy to meet halfway ish.

Local can be good, less time traveling, and more time together, or easy for impromptu meetings.......although I did start seeing someone and then she found out I knew her husband, so it ended soon after !!!!

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MagicMouse321 - 09 Oct, 2024 - 05:38PM

Secret lives I am always suspicious of those accounts, asking you to switch to some app only to be a bit slow and rubbish? Like, what’s the point?

Secret lives - 09 Oct, 2024 - 02:37PM

I don’t understand why I keep getting messages from ladies in the Home Counties when I live in the north west, I will travel max 1 hour and it says that on my profile.

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Twilighttwosome - 09 Oct, 2024 - 01:51PM

For me it's always been about making time using a reasonable excuse to meet an IE. The more travel time involved reduces the together time.

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