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This is one for the girls

This is one for the girls
Is it just me that thinks A lot of guys profile pic and names dont always make them very appealing,
I get the privacy bit, but come on !
Us ladies need a bit more enticing 😜
No offense guys !

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Comments (206)

AAGilfan - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:55PM

Arabelle - at least he didn't suggest that you could use it as a chin rest.....

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AAGilfan - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:54PM

PistachioTiger, you can. You just haven't put it in your profile. In reality a one line profile which does not say much about yourself is less likely to attract a more serious response. Indeed generally I avoid those that are so brief or just rely on the set profiles as I always have concerns as to what might lie behind them. Your profile is a shop window for you. That's not to say that a shop window can't be effective by being relatively minimalist but it does have to give some clue as to what lies behind it and what might be found on the inside. Set profiles or overly brief profiles are likely to attract the chancers and the persons who are just interested in the physical side because on the basis that you give nothing else away, why else would you be on the site? Go on PistachioTiger, put your best foot forward and drive the guys nuts with some further details as to who you are, rather than just potentially attract the nutters….. :-)

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1368132 - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:53PM

And today I had a lovely chat with a lady who's profile really made me laugh out loud, I never anticipated from the content that we would be a match (age) but actually she was very open, we had a decent conversation and I am not broken by rejection... 😂🤣😭

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851951 - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:52PM

Me too, IE would be a better place if females could message females

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1367118 - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:50PM

@ArnoldB I tend to try to find some common ground the interests always helps to discuss first. Try putting something in the title which relates to what the lady is looking for or a comment you can bounce off. I try not to be looking too try to hard sometimes a cheeky comment but never too naughty sometimes you can gauge a girls response from what they've already written in their profile but remember it could be interpreted in a different way you mean it to be

1376887 - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:50PM

@pistachiotiger I wish we had that option as well.

SAYSomething x - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:47PM

Arabelle - :'D oh dear....

1376887 - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:46PM

I think it’s all a case of perspective, I had a message asking if I wanted to stroke his perineum. I think hello would have been a better start.

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SAYSomething x - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:46PM

H4ppyg0luck1 - I would be too, take no notice!! Seems that person wasn't worth your while anyway.... better to find out sooner rather than later

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SAYSomething x - 29 Apr, 2020 - 02:43PM

@ ArnoldB - anything but 'hi there' or 'hello' so boring..
I've had some men message me with a joke, I tend to take kindly to those kind of ice breakers. Men can afterall laugh a lady into bed! One minute you're laughing next minute you're knickers are off hahaha opps.

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