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Does having an IE make you feel like you are more desirable as that was missing in your home life?

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Comments (125)

1387155 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 11:14AM

You might be surprised at how much attention a wedding ring can bring away from IE.

1387155 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 11:05AM

Sometimes a wedding ring is the attraction as at least you both know what to expect from one another. It's an affair not a long term commitment.

1387952 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:37AM

gatwicknaughty - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:28AM
"An IE is no different to anyone showing an interest in you"

That may be... But colleagues and friends don't view you as a sexual being and strangers see a wedding ring and don't approach you so where do you get any interest outside of IE?

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1368155 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:28AM

An IE is no different to anyone showing an interest in you

1387952 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:24AM

I'm not missing attention at home, far from it, I'm in a loving relationship where hubby tells me almost daily that I'm beautiful - but sometimes I feel that it's something that could be said out of habit and contentment rather than raw lust.

Having an IE means having someone who finds you attractive from an almost purely shallow perspective. It motivates you to continue to make that effort and not lapse into complacency... Which I feel in turn does make you more desirable at home.

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1242187 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:16AM

I’ve had 3 IE affairs, and they gave me so much confidence. To have a beautiful look at you and desire you again was an amazing experience.

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Fluffy Sunshine - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:14AM

Most definitely, I’ve had two IEs and the second one, loved my fleshy arms. I’d never had that before. It helped me to see myself as more desirable which I hadn’t for an awfully long time. It gives you more sparkle if you know someone finds you attractive.

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1387155 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:08AM

Oh what it would feel like to be desired and wanted when your in a sexless marriage.

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Oldskool101 - 07 May, 2020 - 09:42PM

I defy anyone to deny that having someone show interest in you boosts your ego. Even more so if that’s a physical interest. Then of course if/when you do meet, to find that there really is a mutual attraction - that’s a fabulous feeling.

When there’s chemistry it can’t be denied. When there isn’t, it can’t be manufactured

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Blacklady - 30 Apr, 2020 - 06:04PM

For myself its about interacting with someone who wouldnt normally look my way as they may doubt an attraction would be there...
I know what i like when i see it and just as in real life you get that exciting buzz, IE puts people on that initial common ground to take that step to pursuing something more than a chat.

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