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Why do we want to have an affair?

Why men cheat VS why women cheat... discuss!

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Comments (210)

1371726 - 13 May, 2020 - 01:17PM

The grass is always greener on the other side..............hence the grazing which is then dressed up with any excuse you like that justifies it in your own mind

1338297 - 13 May, 2020 - 01:00PM

Most are here for the same reason. We want to enjoy sex. Butterflies. Have some form of escape from every day life without having to change anything at home.

We only have one life. We should be happy. After all you never know what’s around the corner!

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AAGilfan - 13 May, 2020 - 12:52PM

I agree with Arabelle. But from the IEs that I have met and, especially those I have had the good fortune to build a longer, deeper relationship with, there is often a feeling (and one which applies to me as well) that one is taken for granted at home on various different levels, and that feeling of being desired is a distant memory. I do agree with some of the other motivating factors, such as desire for something different, whether that just be the person or, indeed, sexual experiences, but fundamentally most people on here probably want that affirmation that they are attractive to others and that the is still life to be lived

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DocRob - 13 May, 2020 - 12:26PM

Does there have to be, or is there really any difference. We’re all human after all ........ I hope!

1383195 - 13 May, 2020 - 12:24PM

Men - because they can't help themselves...
Women - because they are never satisfied with their lot... 😁

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1262378 - 13 May, 2020 - 12:09PM

People have affairs for different reasons. Sex is an opportunity to let go, have fun, relive your youth or just to have that physical connection that no longer exists.

A relationship is the reason people seek escape. To talk, exchange woes, find a solution to a problem. To be on the same planet, reasons are many. To find someone who understands or is at least willing to listen.

Why we are here is personal to each and everyone of us, whatever your persuasion. If you find someone who fills that void then it makes life more bearable without the risk of losing so much more, yourself!!

Life is a risk, enjoy it, it's yours!!

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TotallyTalkingtome - 13 May, 2020 - 12:08PM

I wouldn't presume to know why other people cheat - men or women. Everyone has a different set of circumstances so I can only vouch for myself!

One thing I do know however, is that sex may well be the end-game for everyone.... but it's how you get there that's really important. That's the reason I am on IE, because establishing the emotional connection is just as important as the physical one.

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1373861 - 13 May, 2020 - 11:57AM

Don’t men and women both cheat for the very same reasons? Wanting/ needing more, the thrill of the chase, the excitement it offers and the feeling of doing something for yourself rather than a shared thing at home.

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Ava1Seven - 13 May, 2020 - 11:50AM

I agree with Leopardo too, I have a healthy sexual relationship, general relationship with my partner, but I too seek different experiences with different men, novelty is the key to a happy life. In my humble opinion.

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Ava1Seven - 13 May, 2020 - 11:46AM

I just don't think were destined to be with one person for life.

I like different people for different reasons, I cannot expect one man to fufil all my emotional and physical needs all the time for the rest of time.

Not only that but, hey sometimes you feel like eating different food, who want's to just eat steak everyday? Sometimes I want a salad, sometimes I want a banoffee pie, sometimes I want to sit back and just eat some popcorn okay! :P

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