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Why do we want to have an affair?

Why men cheat VS why women cheat... discuss!

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Comments (210)

Steven 811 - 19 Oct, 2021 - 11:01PM

Y do I want to have an affair ....
I like to feel anther woman body ..
Try something new . Hot sex

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Pleasurepole - 19 Oct, 2021 - 05:44PM

I think whether you’re a man or a woman when the spark fades we crave it with another. So why when you find it with another do some people look elsewhere again. I’m just wanting to find that special connection with one lady and the sex gets better and better as we get to know one another’s bodies, our likes and dislikes. Anyone else agree or have a different opinion?

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1482756 - 18 Oct, 2021 - 12:11PM

Gender is immaterial. If you feel there is something missing in your life that isn't worth throwing your relationship away for, then go find it.

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1457849 - 15 Oct, 2021 - 11:15AM

I think everyone regardless of their sex has their own specific reason. A lot of the time people think it's just about the sex but it actually isn't, for me it's about being with someone who wants me as much as I want them, both mentally and physically.

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indiansummer - 14 Oct, 2021 - 11:55PM

One simple reason could be sex addiction.

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57goingon58 - 14 Oct, 2021 - 07:55PM

My wife, who I love dearly, even in the early days was never keen in sex. She would never and I mean never initiate it. That was as good as it get. These days. Nothing, probably 3 years. I'm still young enough to have the impulse. I've never had an affair. The thought of another woman wanting me excites me and I think they would receive the rewards, or I would hope they do :D

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Paula99 - 13 Oct, 2021 - 05:09PM

We all have our reasons for *cheating*..does it matter ..it just shows there is something *missing* in our lives.....mine is my father passed away and changed my whole perspective...life is too short....love is unconditional with certain members of our families and we respect that....but as a couple we grow apart and the boundaries become apparent...😊

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sunsandsurfsky - 13 Oct, 2021 - 09:15AM

I can’t comment on anyone else .. but for me .. I miss the intimacy, my husband is a good guy but has no desire to do anything apart from stay home he has no sense of adventure and even the sex has disappeared. No kisses nothing .. I thought it was me but I’ve realised he just has a low sex drive and I have a high one .. and I’m not prepared to miss out anymore.

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Sarah E - 12 Oct, 2021 - 10:30PM

Princess - I haven't read a post similar to the one you put on (don't read the posts that often), so was glad to read your sensible comments🙂. I don't care if someone else said them first🙄 - it's hardly an academic paper.

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1466140 - 11 Oct, 2021 - 08:42AM

I am not interested in bullshitting women, lying or trying to convince women to sleep with me. Rather, I am prepared to wait to meet a special lady, one who meets my emotional needs. I am not here purely for a shag (it would be pleasant), but rather I would like to meet a kind person who has mutual desires to myself - to have a relationship that is mutually beneficial.

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