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Why do we want to have an affair?

Why men cheat VS why women cheat... discuss!

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Comments (210)

Letsdothisnowok? - 28 Sep, 2021 - 09:32AM

Because my wife said I'm allowed too !

1459408 - 27 Sep, 2021 - 11:50PM

If most of us are honest about it it’s the thrill the excitement of doing something that we really shouldn’t be doing!!!…..Sex lust passion wanting craving !!!!! yep it’s a lethal mix !!!! and I would imagine most of us on here haven’t had that mix stirred up in our other lives for some time (for whatever reasons). the thought that there might?… actually be somebody on IE? That may make our sexual juices flow !!!….well it’s just the reason we need to justify why both women and men cheat so let’s not make any apologies to ourselves!!!.. One other thing we don’t want to be having to do is make apologies or confessions to the people in our other lives so don’t get caught!!…….

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1372703 - 20 Sep, 2021 - 02:34PM

I think it's because as the clock ticks on, one partner stops wanting sex while the other one still feels wanting that close intermit contact with another. I first thought it would be mostly separated/divorced individuals wanting to find another. However, I have been surprised by the number of married ladies wanting to also find that special attention, that closeness only being with someone in a very intermit way can satisfy.

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1477055 - 20 Sep, 2021 - 10:39AM

Because I like sex, thinking about it , talking about it and doing it. In marriage it sometimes becomes mundane and feels like going through the motions, but it’s never as exciting as with someone new and different. That’s where the spark comes from.

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silverfox531 - 20 Sep, 2021 - 10:19AM

I know why I cheat it's in my nature and ie gives me a happy feeling when I connect with someone who appeals to me

truth and logic - 18 Sep, 2021 - 11:11AM

I cheat because i love sex and being enjoyed by a man, sexually and for me. Someone to seduce me into giving all of myself, celibate at home so wasted .Oh yes i know its about my pleasure too and i i have had two lovely affair that have given me lots ,now just need number three.

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1472401 - 16 Sep, 2021 - 12:08AM

I’m amazed that so many of you think that men cheat more than women. In my experience, women are far more likely to stray. The difference in many cases though, is that women don’t tend to brag to friends about it ☺️

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jarvinj - 14 Sep, 2021 - 09:33AM

Simply because we Homo sapiens are not biologically monogamous.

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ceramic - 14 Sep, 2021 - 12:23AM

I can say for me, although so far been unsuccessful on ie (still hopeful :) ), we never really communicated well, but knew no better when we married (young), our relationship became just an expression of looking after the children. Although we had sex semi-regularly, it was a one way transaction for so long, like some kind of obligation. I yearn for intimacy in sex, for fun, for playfulness, for 50/50 initiation, for a connection beyond paying the mortgage, financing the family and paying the bills.

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Stevie2021 - 13 Sep, 2021 - 09:25PM

I also think that sometimes you find it hard or difficult to upset or change the situation you may be in and although you may be going through the motions. You still always hope that someone else may desire or want you and you want to explore that

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