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Dating tips

Feel like I have been out of the dating game for so long, it's almost like relearning an entire language. 

My flirting skills are not so great... Any tips for a nice gent seeking a nice lady?

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Comments (169)

Funguy77 - 09 Feb, 2024 - 10:22AM

Start by being genuine and showing interest in his or her thoughts and experiences. Compliment them sincerely, and don't be afraid to share a bit about yourself. For me Humor can be a great icebreaker too, just keep it light and respectful. Remember, confidence is attractive, but being yourself is key.Foe example below are some of my very best and cheesiest jokes to brake the ice šŸ¤¦

1. Letā€™s make a deal. If we start dating, I promise to never disappoint you as long as you promise to have very low expectations.
2. I hope you like bad boys/girls because Iā€™m terrible at breaking the ice.
3. Iā€™m a mathematician and Iā€™m especially interested in your number.
4. Do you like bees? You look like a keeper.

Lol aww I make my self cry Iā€™m so depressed lol šŸ˜

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Marlen - 25 Jan, 2024 - 02:04AM

Throw any rulebook out the window.
Being 'nice' is unlikely to get what you're seeking.
If your profile is boring no one will be interested.
'Nice' as an adjective can mean so many things here.
Compliments never hurt.
No d**k pics
Be prepared to demonstrate what's in your profile, or you'll crash and burn
Lie about your height...most ladies won't consider a candidate under 5'10"...if you actually meet, if all else is OK, you'll likely be forgiven......

Paula99 - 10 Jan, 2024 - 03:42PM

ER ā€¦you want to get a date do the Right Thing ā€¦donā€™t use the ā€˜same old DRILLā€¦..šŸ‘

Life is a beach - 07 Jan, 2024 - 12:22AM

Be yourself. Work people out by their profile. Talk to them first, if chat flows then you may be in for a winner.
Meet people in a public place first, you can then work out if it is going to work or not.
By following the above I found a fantastic person,!

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1575033 - 04 Jan, 2024 - 06:10PM

An IE is not dating, its discrete and for a different aim,
In a way its more honest and in a way not just get on with it.

giggly hamster - 02 Jan, 2024 - 10:56PM

For us of a certain age you feel like you've just been dropped into a parallel universe where the rules are different and you don't know what to do or where to start.

The only advice I can offer is don't go to the date expecting anything. It puts pressure on you, and it puts pressure on the person you're meeting. it's tense enough given the reasons you're seeing them in the first place, so just think of it as going out to meet a friend for a casual chat, and hopefully if there is anything between you it'll bloom soon enough. If it doesn't, you've had some nice company over a meal or a coffee, walk, whatever.

Don't go in with any preconceptions and you won't be disappointed.

A good analogy is this - a bloke will throw some clothes on and think right, I'm ready..
A woman will spend ages choosing her outfit, does it look good, what you'll think of her, whether the make up is too much, too little, sending the wrong signals and a million other things.

Give her all the space she needs, just enjoy.

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boav91 - 01 Jan, 2024 - 11:21PM

in the 80's and 90's when I last dated, the internet did not exist, you had phones plugged into walls and you would arrange to meet people and hope they turned up as you had no way to know. Mobile phones did not exist and we used Cash. I know right. Who use that not! If you did not get on with people you knew, we had personal adds and snail mail .

There was none of this swiping to the left and right! I had no idea how to talk to people back then and for the first couple of months felt like all of this was again a minefield I had forgotten it was back then. Forget all the growth I had done over the last 30 years, now it was back to feeling like a teenager again not knowing what to do.

Ultimately thought it is about trying to be yourself and being patient. some will like you and others wont. If people are nice enough to give you a chance then I am sure it will click. It did for me.


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Andrea Andrew - 01 Jan, 2024 - 03:58PM

Just go with the flowā€¦..be relaxedā€¦ā€¦.You will know from day 1 of chatting with someone if you have clicked with themā€¦. If the conversation flows then you know they are the oneā€¦ā€¦

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marklondonengland - 01 Jan, 2024 - 03:19PM

The big difference now is that there is almost infinite choice. That's a good thing as there is certainly someone out there, but a bad thing as it can be hard to hold attention. I'd really advise you to focus on joint interests - explain initially why you find someone interesting and be prepared to talk about it and ask questions. Be interested in them. Don't take it to heart if you are ghosted - some people are getting flooded with messages and they can't apologise to everyone, they just move on. Don't expect to be messaging or texting forever as well - get a quick meet out of the way as soon as possible. A hello and chat over coffee can help you decide one way or the other far better than endless WhatsApp...

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Frog-or-Prince - 01 Jan, 2024 - 11:36AM

My first venture into dating apps. Beginning to sound like itā€™s no place for the naive ! Hope to stay out of the minefields and find my patch of paradiseā€¦

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