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Expiry Date?

Does marriage have an expiry date?

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Comments (125)

Bugwithone - 22 May, 2020 - 03:33PM

I have the same problem with the use by or best by dates on produces in shops!

So it should be stamped on your spouses body, if you look hard enough!!!

1371726 - 22 May, 2020 - 02:52PM

Yes.......any one of the following............Separation..........Divorce...........Death..........Take your pick .......I think Death is the most common lol..........

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splendored - 22 May, 2020 - 02:24PM

Of course it does. Nothing lasts for ever although some couples manage to keep it going until one of them dies. Love, lust, attraction or whatever you want to call it inevitably fades over time and some manage to replace it with something elsewhere. Other couples find themselves unable to stay together and split. Sites like IE just make it easier for people to either find that missing something (keeping their marriage going) or find someone else to start over again.

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tea_coffee_me_ - 22 May, 2020 - 02:16PM

"Nearwildheaven - There are girls in their early 20s claiming to be divorced or separated so clearly yes.
As the Rolling Stones once sang ‘they just get married cos there’s nothing else to do’"
For many it is about the WEDDING not the MARRIAGE.

For X many years they are the centre of attention as they plan the WEDDING.
The wedding, the honeymoon .... then reality ... the reality of wake, work, return, eat, sleep, repeat, they have no concept that general everyday life IS boring.
They have been the centre of attention, and all excited about the WEDDING not about the life with the person AFTER.

It shocks me the number of couples who did not talk about rent/mortgage, children, raising them, where they will live, how they want to live...
(It helps when the conversations happen that both parties are honest, mine lied!)

The same with the number of women who want to 'have a baby' (and all the attention), not raise a child!!

Often in ones in the 20's they have now been named 'starter marriages'

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1382700 - 22 May, 2020 - 12:08PM

There are girls in their early 20s claiming to be divorced or separated so clearly yes.
As the Rolling Stones once sang ‘they just get married cos there’s nothing else to do’

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tea_coffee_me_ - 22 May, 2020 - 12:00PM

"TwoBitCoins - Personally speaking - as soon as you stop sex and intimacy you are doomed because the intimacy repairs the damage caused by that day to day erosion"

Disagree overall, however I do know of one relationship (there will be many) he was nasty to her all the waking hours possible (verbally) however their sex life was great.
She had to divorce him in the end emotional cruelty.

I have been surprised at how many split around 17 years as mine did.
The 'new' 7 years?

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Buffalo King - 22 May, 2020 - 11:55AM

The blunt answer to that is yes, either when you divorce or one of you die, which ever comes first.

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tea_coffee_me_ - 22 May, 2020 - 11:54AM

"Yorkshirerugby - It's 10:40 I've got champagne any care to join me! ;) x"

Depends which type :-D

1262378 - 22 May, 2020 - 11:51AM

Why just marriage? Marriage is a piece of paper, paper that dulls with age and is no longer legible as on the day it was written.

Any relationship will end when we no longer converse. When one party no longer listens to what is bring said. Unwilling to see what needs to change, to keep the feelings going.

If one party fails to listen, the other party slowly gives up and withdraws. Some dwindle and stay put, for kids or financial reasons. Some stay, afraid of what others will think.

I tried all of the above and became so unhappy, I eventually walked, left it all. Best thing I did, I found me again.

Fast forward to today, another relationship is waning. If people listened and compromised most relationships could survive.

Why are we are here? Because in a world where everything can be solved online, we search again for that spark. To rekindle those feelings of what makes us, us!!

Keep looking, I will

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1117169 - 22 May, 2020 - 11:45AM


This is why having sex is politely known as " Making Love".

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