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Is one IE enough?

How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have cheated (if that's a thing) on their IE with another (or multiple) IE?
Were you honest with your IE?
And how many still have any sort of sexual relationship with their spouse?

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Comments (117)

1367218 - 23 May, 2020 - 10:55AM

It is dependant on what you are looking for on here. There are some (like me) who are seeking the kind of intimacy you only experience once you *know* someone - that bubble of closeness.

Then there are those who seek purely the physical.

I think as long as you are open and honest about what you want out of this experience from the outset, then that can save a very specific conversation later on!

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Buffalo King - 23 May, 2020 - 10:36AM

Definitely monogamous with the IE and would expect the same from her. I was honest with my IE
If once in the last 2 years is a sexual relationship with my spouse, then yes still having a sexual relationship with her.
Is one IE enough? Well that depends on what the individual is looking for. For me absolutely, it’s hard enough having a relationship with just one IE, cannot imagine multiple IE’s

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tea_coffee_me_ - 23 May, 2020 - 10:26AM

Anyone on here should accept the husband/wife having their own relationship.

For many marriages the intimacy has gone, health problems, grown apart ...
For others that aspect is ok, however it is not enough for one partner OR they rarely see each other!
As I have seen men who work around the country/world so often they spend very little time at home .: spent time with me.

Many here want/expect exclusivity.
To me that is unreasonable. They are married! Sometimes taking the pressure off can help heal a marriage.
Often an IE relationship becomes settled and jobs move or other and its over.

As finding an IE often takes a VERY long time. AND it can end with NO notice, it seems illogical to be monogamous.
I have no idea how two married people are able to meet often enough to again meet each others needs, as it can be MONTHS between meetings due to family/work/the goldfish.

Remember you have NO rights over your IE and vice versa.
Ironically I am usually monogamous, however that is NOT my plan!!

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TwoBitCoins - 23 May, 2020 - 09:37AM

I think having sex with more than 1 IE is madness - I am definitely mono - finding a single IE is no easy task, the ladies mostly seem to want the attention not the 'act'


does having occasional sex with you wife count as infidelity ???

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maturenortherner - 23 May, 2020 - 09:17AM

I have been monogamous with my IE. If you have been talking to more than IE the trick is when to settle with one. How do you know the one you choose is genuine? Are they playing games? It has happened to me and then it is difficult to pick up with an IE you were chatting to previously. Haha. Definitely no sex with the other half. Feel like I'm living the life of a monk☹☹

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richfromnotts - 23 May, 2020 - 09:08AM

Mono for me.

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1386735 - 23 May, 2020 - 09:04AM

I have always been mono with an IE. I’m looking for exclusivity and would expect the same in return. I’m not looking to sleep around, Having not had a sexual relationship with my husband for over 20 years, good sex with one partner is all I am looking for.

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