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Is anyone else missing intimacy?

I feel like speaking to people on IE is the closest thing I have to closeness right now...

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Comments (251)

Paula99 - 06 Oct, 2024 - 04:59AM

When you are in a young marriage and you have children …then your life has changed ….i had 2 children and we had 3 months off for maturnity leave and my husband had to use our holidays to support me ..this was a tough time and I was so tired I couldn’t think straight …each night I fell into bed… half the time my husband was working nights and I was doing 80% childcare… and sex wasn’t an option as I couldn’t function in the morning……my husband always said it was easier to go to work….intimacy became something we did when the children were about 7/9 but we accepted this is how it is ..there will be times in your life when you have to put certain aspects of your marriage on hold…..enjoy your time because it goes too fast and before your eyes your children are grown up …
I do find that parents today seem to think they can have everything all at once…. It’s called entitlement ..😕

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1711830 - 05 Oct, 2024 - 10:44PM

Hey, massively missing intimacy. 2 years of a 6 year marriage and it’s gone stale tried everything now needing that attention from a female who may want this too. Since we had a child it all stopped I work full time and need some action too I hate to sound horrid but how hard is it to make love or want to feel loved so ….

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Life is a beach - 05 Oct, 2024 - 09:32PM

I think I am not alone in saying that lack of intimacy has brought most of us here.
Intimacy is not only sex but also having that special connection with someone.
We all miss that little bit of magic. I did!
When you find that, it is amazing!
I hope you all have the opportunity of finding that spark.

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Glenigan - 05 Oct, 2024 - 08:57AM

I totally agree, I am massively missing the intimacy of a relationship.

I love my wife to bits, but she just isn't interested in being intimate.

For a while I thought it was because of the way I looked, I have put on a bit of weight and assumed I was no longer attractive.

I went on a few adult sites, shared a few intimate pictures and people seemed to like what they were seeing. So I can only assume that she just isn't interested anymore.

I miss the feel of skin to skin contact, I miss long sensual kissing, I miss the excitement of getting naked with someone.

Tomb9989 - 04 Oct, 2024 - 11:13PM

Missing intimacy........think ive forgotten what it is or how to be intimate anymore.....last person i was intimate with was the ex...n that was like 4 years ago....while she was secretly being intimate with another guy at the same time too....
I mean in sure in the moment it will come back to me but yes....HOLY FUCK I MISS IT!!!

jk1970 - 04 Oct, 2024 - 10:40PM

Yes - talking is so underrated imo. Just the opportunity to express feelings is such a lovely thing.

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Paula99 - 04 Oct, 2024 - 01:45PM

Food for thought ….

This subject has a tendency to make me laugh …when people are in a relationship they don’t want intimacy….they fill their lives up with hobbies….sports..days out with friends and spend their times whining about ‘her/him indoors ‘ not wanting sex …the truth is they don’t want it with their partners so therefore they start ‘missing it ‘ but it was already missing because they made it so ..


Brandybluesxx - 04 Oct, 2024 - 11:21AM

Absolutely missing it it makes me depressed irritable and crave it more!! Intimate part of my marraige just died overnight or so it seems left me feeling pretty worthless

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djlater - 03 Oct, 2024 - 05:53PM

Closeness.......does my memory go that far back?

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Paula99 - 03 Oct, 2024 - 04:35PM

Nine Intense weeks …

Societal rules mean buggar all… you can argue about how society works until the cows come home …it’s the experiences from all parties involved that make the most difference..Real people making real mistakes and working through their lives at the end of it ..😁

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