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Hotel meet

What is the expectation of the hotel bill for a date with your IE?
Is the male who pays for it or the ladies usually go Dutch?

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Comments (237)

Legs&Eyes - 13 Oct, 2023 - 09:57PM

Enigma.. - 13 Oct, 2023 - 08:44PM

Haha, first thing I thought too! Huge waste of money..... and who wants to see scuffed red soles (there's lots of them in Yorkshire and they're all on the bottom of New Look shoes), haha.....


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ExoticOrchid - 13 Oct, 2023 - 09:36PM

Enigma.. - 09:05PM

Totally agree re never travelling without at least a card ... doesn't matter who I'm with!

Enigma.. - 13 Oct, 2023 - 09:05PM

A real lady never travels anywhere without a method of payment.
And before the males on this thread get to excited… 😉😝.
I simply meant cash, credit/debit card etc…

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Enigma.. - 13 Oct, 2023 - 08:47PM

As for hotels…
Don’t get me started on the subject 😂😉😝.
Been there, done that still examining my nails.

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Enigma.. - 13 Oct, 2023 - 08:44PM

Who wears “those shoes” anymore.
They are for red carpet events only.
Didn’t you know? Weren’t you told?
Or just carpets 😏.
If the red bottoms are scuffed and then you have to throw them away 🙄😏.
Such a waste of money (tuts).

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1615646 - 13 Oct, 2023 - 07:19PM

Surely it depends on individual and personal finance as well
Some don’t have access to own money even in this day and age, or share accounts
And let’s not forget some people don’t have a lot of spare cash it seems daft to split a bill if someone can afford it more easily
And have you all seen how much honey birdette costs and loubouts I pay my way in displaying my goodies

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Bobby224 - 13 Oct, 2023 - 06:46PM

If a man is of a certain age I think it’s set in stone that the man pays. The wife does not even bring her purse when she’s with me. Personally I would find it very strange and I wouldn’t feel like a man if I didn’t pay. Obviously only my point of view and how I feel it maybe a bit old fashioned now?

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ExoticOrchid - 13 Oct, 2023 - 06:17PM

Makes me laugh thay men who are too stingy to pay for the hotel using excuses such as "equality" and "being modern" ... purrllleese ... 🙄

If you are too tight or mean or cannot afford to pay at least be honest about it!

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1408586 - 13 Oct, 2023 - 04:44PM

If it was the social norm for women to pay for hotel I very much doubt men would be insisting they pay half just because though.

Men will behave the same whether we pay half for hotel or not. So I see no benefit in paying personally. Others will feel differently and everyone will make their own decision. There are no rules!

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Legs&Eyes - 13 Oct, 2023 - 04:42PM

Sexyfox2100 - 13 Oct, 2023 - 04:27PM

I dont disagree with your points ref Equality, though from an equity point of view we are here on a website that does not allow women to even message other women, nor men to message men..

and women can be here for free, when men can't..

So this site doesn't encourage an equal approach..

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