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Help - my IE is shy!

Finally met my IE after months of online messaging - we have an electric connection and I find him crazy attractive - but I found he is very shy in person…how do I bring him out of his shell? 

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Comments (135)

1128466 - 06 Jul, 2020 - 12:55PM

Maybe it's his first time on the site ..you can be a bit gun shy the first time but take the first step as others suggest

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1117169 - 06 Jul, 2020 - 12:32PM


I had to smile. " Alpha males" are not known for being "Mega nervous" around attractive women.

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Chezley - 06 Jul, 2020 - 12:31PM

How many months messaging?

Is it you who is shy?

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1117169 - 06 Jul, 2020 - 12:20PM

He may not actually fancy you, or be a naturally very shy person or he may be having second thoughts about doing this at all.

You wont, cant and shouldn't try to change him.

Try suggesting a second date and if he agrees, that's a good sign of course, but if he is no less shy then you will have to decide if he could be the one for you or you would prefer someone more outgoing and self confident.

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mistinthesea - 06 Jul, 2020 - 12:08PM

I don't know. Just be careful. Wait and see. I wouldn't call any attraction electric and crazy until I was sure he felt the same. It might be so many things. He could be really shy in person and, like someone said well on here, some people are braver online. It could be he's having second thoughts, as reality of meeting up is very different. Or it could be that he's scared of putting himself and family in danger, as this virus is still around, thought of it? It seems everyone has forgotten about it, but it's still here. It could also be that he's finding physical attraction tricky in real life. And that doesn't mean you are unatractive, but people fantasise sometimes when they just see one photo. You may not be his 'type' in real life and, more so, in his head. If you met online, that's different and better, but there are many factors that a pixelled image on camera doesn't show. Above all, to protect yourself, remember what this site is about. Nothing is electric, unless it's for the first 20 minutes.

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steve467879 - 06 Jul, 2020 - 12:05PM

You should also take Qetesh's advice
Maybe a couple of drinks to help relaxation when you are chatting. I have been on IE for weeks and have not yet had a meaningful chat with a lady near me in Northamptonshire.

1368155 - 06 Jul, 2020 - 10:27AM

I would also take Qetesh's advice
Maybe a couple of drinks to help relaxation?

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1343636 - 06 Jul, 2020 - 09:58AM

I like Qetesh's advice. Couldn't recommend this more strongly!

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1392377 - 06 Jul, 2020 - 09:53AM

Give him time, he will or he won't you'll know when you know.

I met someene three times and each time was a new experience I have been mega nervous but I like to think I had been myself on all occasions. Part of it for me was that at the time this woman was very special to me and I scared of messing it up.

JaguarJJ - 06 Jul, 2020 - 09:53AM

I think you know straight away if someone is right for you on a basic level, you've suggested it's electric? So the chemistry must be there. Some people are a bit more introverted, he may need more time to open up

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