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Unconventional First Dates

I imagine we've all had to be a little more inventive with first
dates/meets due to the pandemic but I'm curious as to what your most
unconventional date has been; past or present.

Mine was taking someone ice climbing (pre pandemic) but I have been known
to meet someone in a supermarket late at night as they were coming off a
work shift.

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Comments (86)

Yorkman2020 - 04 Aug, 2020 - 11:23AM

We met for a coffee so silly distances and just ended up having sex

casanova6950 - 04 Aug, 2020 - 10:10AM

Service station or 24 hour supermarket. Quiet corner of car park. No talking, no underwear...... just chemistry and sex.

Best first meet ever/best last meet ever.... she approached me on here. Never spoke a word.

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1213485 - 04 Aug, 2020 - 10:09AM

Haha sorry I typed loads and didn't realise I ran out of characters 😂 Was on a little rant...
So for about 30mins he didn't say anything...just looked like he might be sick. Just to add to my wonderful time it started to rain so along with being in London in lockdown and wearing new shoes, I was all the wrong kinds of damp!
Eventually he stopped walking and listened that I need to eat or i might die (yes I am sometimes a little dramatic). I ordered dinner on my phone and paid (wasn't in the plan 😂). We collected and went back to sit in hype Park. Rain now cleared but the mood still somewhat grey...
We talked more and decided that maybe it wasnt right...he walked me to my car at about 11pm (solid 6 hours together and he still wasn't sure!). And then he tried to kiss me!
I apologised for not allowing him to kiss me and said he needed some time to think about if this could work...
2 weeks later we met in Oxford for another one of his planned dates. But I feel I should keep the details for my next fir

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ExoticOrchid - 04 Aug, 2020 - 09:46AM

Princessjo - 04 Aug, 2020 - 07:05AM

Please continue ...

1213485 - 04 Aug, 2020 - 07:05AM

Just as lockdown was lifting I drove to London to meet someone...the coffee sanity check date...
We met in Hyde Park and sat and talked for ages...it wasn't isnt fireworks but there was something. I had mentioned previously that I am a planner but he assured me all I had to do was turn up and he had plans.
I'm a sucker for sushi so after talking for a while he said he wanted to take me to get take away sushi and come back to the park to continue our date...
Walked fucking miles! In new cute shoes (my fault not his!). Eventually found the place...only for him to look like he had seen a ghost as someone who works for him was waiting outside the same restaurant 😂 obviously at the time i didn't know who this person was but as soon as he said hello I kept walking to give him some breathing space. But the person called after me to introduce himself 😬
Once we had done enough awkward hellos and fancy seeing you here's, we carried on walking. He was visible shaken and didn't say many actual words for about 3

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MatureWorcsBBW - 03 Aug, 2020 - 05:22AM

I took an ex lover to a fetish club.
He hadn't been before.
I had.
He was worried that he might meet someone he knew.
He ended up with a gimp mask on.
Hand cuffs.
Collar and lead and a ball gag.

He was shy but very willing.
He never saw any of the people who touched his naked body.
He did exactly as he was told.

The woman who he's with now is very vanilla so occasionally he asks me to take him again.

But I've lost interest in a man who lost interest in me so I'll never take him again.

Someday I'll take someone else, maybe.
Never him though.

Once I loose interest, it rarely reappears.

But it was fun.

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1265724 - 02 Aug, 2020 - 03:48AM

I had a first meet out the back of our SUVs. He picked a park with a lovely pond and brought two folding chairs and champagne. I had a small folding table, table cloth and appetisers. We parked our cars next to each other, opened up the backs of our cars and set up and enjoyed the pond. After we felt comfortable we ordered a pizza and took a socially distant walk to go collect it. It was a lovely first meet. 🍷

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1313983 - 24 Jul, 2020 - 11:57PM

Me and my IE met in a bar in Paris, although we are both from London. I was working there and she was visiting family so it all worked out.
It was passion and fireworks from the start. I remember is kissing each others' faces off. It was also very hot that day in Paris so that just kind of added to the passion! We didn't give a shit who was watching. I would not do that here, but in Paris people don't give a damn about others snogging in public.
I remember sitting in the Eurostar on the way home just thanking the universe for those moments and a feeling I had not had in very many years. The affair lasted about 6 months and was amazing while it lasted.
But what an amazingly hot, romantic, sexy start!!
Will I ever have that again? Je souhaite...!

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Suze2018 - 24 Jul, 2020 - 08:00PM

I met someone in his home town. We got a train to the next station where the hotel was.

I wasn't particularly attracted to him. We then had to walk 40 mins along the side of A roads to get there. Half way along, he kissed me .....and became instantly attractive. We walked the second half a lot faster. Was worth it! He was also 20 years my junior. Has asked to see me again.

Maybe a nearer hotel next time? Haha!

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ExoticOrchid - 24 Jul, 2020 - 04:16PM

Met at the airport [airside] for an overnight stay in Cannes ... everything worked out!

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