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...at first sight

Has anyone ever experienced a love-struck romantic attraction for a stranger? Had this feeling for the first time on a meet this week. How do you explain it, Chemistry? Biology? Pheramones? Magic? It's hit me hard whatever it was 😍

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Comments (106)

1100888 - 02 Aug, 2021 - 05:05PM

Not love struck, but defiantly Lust struck and I have certainly met people who I have immediately taken to i.e. totally on the same wave length but true love does take it's time.

1447655 - 02 Aug, 2021 - 03:17PM

Admin have resurected this thread from 12 months ago.

I couldn't feel that for a stranger. That's just fancying what someone looks like and it's not enough for me. Could be an absolute ned when he opens his mouth. Nope. Physical attraction comes into it, but it doesn't lead me by the nose. There is so much more to chemistry and attraction. Thoughts, opinions, the way they conduct themselves in the world and with other people.

Sigmaguy - 02 Aug, 2021 - 02:41PM

Okey dokey then... here we have a prime example of the heart taking control of the mind. I have to assume you are looking for a long-term relationship, and not just a couple of nights/months of fun.

In which case, let us take one huuuuge step back and flex that immensely powerful muscle that sits between our earlobes.

How can you possibly be ' In love' with someone you don't know? A stranger? He/She could be a raving lunatic? (FFS)

And romantic attraction? Bullsh'it.. You wanted to get naked and grind the hell out of him/her... Perfectly acceptable, and lucky you! Go for it! But don't leave your brain behind. Go with the flow, but have boundaries and stick to them.

Be yourself, don't for god sake put on a mask, at some point it will slip and you will lose all romantic chemistry in an instant. Keep your wits about you, Take your time, definitely go on a couple of dates rather than spend hours texting... A journey to the moon is done in stages. ;-)

Teresa di Vicenzo - 02 Aug, 2021 - 01:31PM

Someone I met from here a few years ago. We chatted on here and swiftly moved to email, then to WhatsApp because we both felt it was ‘right’.
We messaged constantly. I’ve no idea how I didn’t lose my job, I was so distracted! We spoke on the phone a few times a week. There was incredible attraction between us. We understood each other and we fancied the pants off each other too.
We met for the first time for coffee and simply couldn’t keep our hands off each other! It was hotter than anything I had ever experienced before, and he said the same. We went for a walk after and then a short drive in his car. It felt right. Amazing actually! It felt so amazing we had sex there and then in his car in a lane! Completely out of character for me, we were both in our 50s FFS! Outrageous!
We carried on like this for about two more months. Then we both lost the spark. It was over for both of us as fast as it started. I think that’s what happens with rapidly instant lust, over as fast as it began.

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Fluffy Sunshine - 02 Aug, 2021 - 12:21PM

I think it’s lust rather than love, it can be very electric though.

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Cancer - 15 Nov, 2020 - 09:33PM

Poshbr33 - 15 Nov, 2020 - 05:04PM

That’s why a meet is so much better than chatting online

I’d disagree. Have had amazing chemistry chatting online. Problem is the guy lives over an hour away 🙄

Jeronimo - 15 Nov, 2020 - 06:15PM

I’ve always wondered about that moment you very occasionally have with someone, when you feel anything might be possible. It only lasts a couple of minutes, and I’ve only ever been brave enough to jump through the window once!

1389672 - 15 Nov, 2020 - 05:55PM

Hornyness....plain and simple...😈

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1375140 - 15 Nov, 2020 - 05:04PM

That’s why a meet is so much better than chatting online
There’s no chemistry on here
At least I think so

1413266 - 15 Nov, 2020 - 04:14PM

Chemistry. But also deep subconscious need

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