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...at first sight

Has anyone ever experienced a love-struck romantic attraction for a stranger? Had this feeling for the first time on a meet this week. How do you explain it, Chemistry? Biology? Pheramones? Magic? It's hit me hard whatever it was πŸ˜

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Comments (106)

1296228 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 09:13PM

No never I would love it to happen but not and not sure it happenes to every one just very Luckey if it dose x

Something_oblique - 10 Sep, 2020 - 02:57PM

When I first had marriage problems I met someone. It was literally electric but he got scaled b/cos I was married. 16 years later he came back now married himself. The chemistry is still there but hes chosen her land I'm devestlsteld all over again.
I know the facts the psychology the fact hes a total s**)head but there is no denying we are electric together and it hurts he doesnt want me.

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Bella 1234 - 02 Sep, 2020 - 09:44PM

amazing feeling but then it hurts if they ignore you or taken

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Emeraldz - 26 Aug, 2020 - 09:53PM

like you have know that person for years!

Ha1234 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 04:24PM


Always.....time for pampering and gentle strokes......😘

1386735 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 03:16PM

You know I’m a pussy cat really 😘

Ha1234 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 02:02PM


Of course we do. Hands. Nice to see you in an apologetic mood. πŸ₯‚

1386735 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 12:39PM

I’m sorry, a typo, it happens,
We all know what I mean πŸ‘

1117169 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 10:32AM


Which spot are you referring toπŸ˜‰?

I didn't know you had a shaved head/s by the way!

1117169 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 10:30AM


Much more effective than the scattergun approach, I agree.

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