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...at first sight

Has anyone ever experienced a love-struck romantic attraction for a stranger? Had this feeling for the first time on a meet this week. How do you explain it, Chemistry? Biology? Pheramones? Magic? It's hit me hard whatever it was πŸ˜

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Comments (106)

Ha1234 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 09:14AM


Are you intimating that you have more than one head...or are you giving?
Another dodgy stat about hitting the spot....πŸ‘‹


Pistols only..... shotguns only for all out war....πŸ‘Š

1387952 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 07:57AM

@ Sportster1200L

I'm no Annie Oakley but I do like to go to Cloudside a few times a year, I fancy my chances with a shotgun πŸ˜‰

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1386735 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 07:28AM

I was thinking my bare heads rather than pistols. And anyway most men on here can’t hit the spot, so pistols would be useless

1117169 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 11:53PM


If I was duelling with Annie Oakley I would agree with you, but I will take my chances with any lady here.

Ha1234 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 06:45PM


Flattery can do magic i reckon......πŸ˜‚

Secretaccomplice4u - 22 Aug, 2020 - 06:32PM

My money on Suadela in any duel with Sportster.
Sorry Sportster.

Ha1234 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 06:14PM


Ahhh....that edge of pleasure....didnt think of that...lol

1387952 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 05:55PM

Ha1234 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 03:11PM
"I reckon Sportster would edge it..."

Sorry, I saw 'edge it' and my brain went elsewhere...

Ha1234 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 04:38PM


If you let Suadela have first shot.....you're a goner..... think again....(gentleman means nothing....every man for himself really...lol)

1117169 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 03:42PM

Pistols at dawn is the " Gentlemans" way of settling a score, of course.

Being a gentleman, I will let you have first shot, but I won't be firing blanks πŸ˜‰

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