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...at first sight

Has anyone ever experienced a love-struck romantic attraction for a stranger? Had this feeling for the first time on a meet this week. How do you explain it, Chemistry? Biology? Pheramones? Magic? It's hit me hard whatever it was 😍

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Comments (106)

ExoticOrchid - 22 Aug, 2020 - 03:32PM

Ha1234 - 03:11PM

You mean he'll be a premature shooter? 😲

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Ha1234 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 03:11PM


I reckon Sportster would edge it....as he's chosen pistol at dawn..... he must know what he's doing....🤣

ExoticOrchid - 22 Aug, 2020 - 02:22PM

OrientalAngel80 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 02:14PM

Me neither!!! :-))

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1387952 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 02:14PM

I don't fancy Sportster's chances against Suadela, in any sense ...

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1117169 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 10:32AM

@ Suadela

Pistols at dawn? 😉

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1386735 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 10:04AM

Come on...me and you...let’s fight this out. Boxing match? Mud fight?
Anyone want to take bets on the winner? 😛😀

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1387952 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 09:07AM

@ Sportster1200L

I think the lovely Suadela was quoting someone else and wasn't referring to any 'gentlemen'...

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1117169 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 08:49AM


You are wrong. They are not actually" Gentlemen".

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1117169 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 08:47AM

@Exasperated Alex

Mutual love is pure bliss but unrequited love is torture. You have my sympathy.

It is very unusual for two single people to have the same strength of feelings about each other. There is usually an imbalance of emotional and physical attraction and even when it starts equitably enough the dynamics of relationships can shift the balance of attraction backwards and forwards over time for various reasons and life events and circumstances can also prevent it being fully requited.

When two attached people are in this situation its a whole new world of bliss and pain.

Having said that, dont try to internalise, deny or supress your genuine feelings for someone. Let them know, how you feel but be aware of the possible consequences and deal with the fallout in a mature way.

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1346010 - 22 Aug, 2020 - 07:03AM

I’m meeting a new IE today, we’ve chatted, connected, feels amazing, soooo excited, BUT I’m also realistic that although we’ve connected deeply in words that the physical may not spark. I’ll let you know later !!!

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