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...at first sight

Has anyone ever experienced a love-struck romantic attraction for a stranger? Had this feeling for the first time on a meet this week. How do you explain it, Chemistry? Biology? Pheramones? Magic? It's hit me hard whatever it was 😍

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Comments (106)

gemini2310 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 10:34PM

If someone doesn't like some ones profile just move on everyone can write what they want I would say some profiles are more honest and genuine than others if we cannot be truthful on here we can't be truthful anywhere most of us are in the same boat if we are married

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1332870 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 10:18PM

Suadela2020 - it's your profile and up to you what you write on it. I don't understand why people criticise you. It's your choice what you write, and if people say it's harsh, that's their issue not yours.

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tea_coffee_me_ - 18 Aug, 2020 - 10:03PM

" Secretaccomplice4u -
"A man who is genuine and actually has the time to have an affair would be a good start."
Define genuine ?
Am sure more men are genuine than women as we have to pay. its not the money but you have to make a conscious decision to do something."

Yes that was the illusion I was under on joining.
Unfortunately it took me nearly a year to a first meeting due to so many wanting an ego boost, wanting photos sent, wanting text or phone chat, wanting to PRETEND to have an affair... and so on.

The numbers of men who are here to actually have an affair in person is VERY limited.
For those who want to play games, I always suggest they should have spent the membership money on treating their poor suffering wives!
(...and stop wasting mine and others time!!)

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1387952 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 08:46PM

Original Poster
"Has anyone ever experienced a love-struck romantic attraction for a stranger?"

When I first joined, the first guy I got chatting to also just so happened to be my type. Physically (in every sense) and cerebrally. He also worked 5 mins away from my office too.

I really struck it lucky! The high I experienced was amazing. It was so heady and addictive. We still chat nowadays but due to working commitments on both sides it meant it had to fizzle out.

Even with all the perfect conditions, I can still see it was Lust-struck and not Love-struck.

gemini2310 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 08:24PM

I think love is a very strong work some may say this because someone wants them or needs them when they do not get this at home think it's proberly more lust than love

1387952 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 08:20PM

Secretaccomplice4u - 18 Aug, 2020 - 06:16PM
"Define genuine ?
Am sure more men are genuine than women as we have to pay"

Genuine to me means someone who goes through with what they promised but are honest and truthful about their intentions.

Majority of guys I've met on here have not been 'genuine'. Paying does not guarantee that. If anything, it drives them to lie to garner as much interest.

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Liltink - 18 Aug, 2020 - 07:58PM

Definitely lust struck .....

1390511 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 07:48PM

Prob the buzz of doing something you shudnt and the build up

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ExoticOrchid - 18 Aug, 2020 - 07:27PM

Genuine as in serious about having an affair (define affair as you will) and not just online ego trip ... goes for both sexes!

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1386735 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 07:25PM

I choose to be harsh because that’s how it is...I’d rather be upfront...anything else is airy fairy. No messing and men know where they stand.
If that means it will take me a while to find the IE for me, then so be it!

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