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First date

When do you know it's time to suggest going for dinner on a first date? Or are first date drinks more appropriate? x

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Comments (119)

1393321 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 02:26PM

One thing Covid has taught me is the pleasure of a picnic in the park....no alcohol because the pubs were shut, but we didn't need it. I've had some lovely first dates from IE over the past couple of months in various parks, lunch time or early evening, both ard great. Judgement is clear and the natural surroundings help me to relax, so it's all good. Dobt go for dinner until you know you connect with someone.

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1387952 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 01:51PM

I always prefer just a coffee as a first date. If they don't turn up I can still have my coffee anyway! 😁

(I'm not a negative Nancy, just that there's been a lot of guys with cold feet)

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Secretaccomplice4u - 20 Aug, 2020 - 01:12PM


>. "I would also advise against drinking too much alcohol on a first date as whilst it may help you relax it lowers your inhibitions and can cloud your judgement."

Are you saying getting drunk, diving towards your date for a kiss, falling of your chair and lying in your own vomit isnt attractive ?
If so, it might explain my lack of success in my early 20's

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ExoticOrchid - 20 Aug, 2020 - 12:50PM

Personally, a short coffee [if day time] or a quick drink [if after work] is best for a first meet ... if there is interest on both sides, you always have the option to extend it to lunch or dinner and if there is no interest, you can go your separate ways after that quick coffee or drink.

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1242187 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 11:27AM

My preference now is just meeting for a coffee (or a drink if you prefer). You want to take as much pressure off the first meet as possible. Also, you might not hit it off. If the spark isn't there it won't suddenly appear 2 hours in as you battle through the second course.

The best first date I ever had was in Costa at 10 o'clock in the morning. The worse over a long expensive lunch in a hotel (still makes me shiver). Save the dinners for when you've met that special someone.

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gemini2310 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 09:47AM

Lunch time meet always for me just break the ice over coffee no longer than an hour I can tell by then if I want to meet again I would not want a guy guy spending more money than that if I wasn't interested or visa versa then just be honest with each other if there's no second meet going to happen

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1117169 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 09:02AM

I would normally suggest a quick first meeting over a coffee or something unless its clear that the person who you are talking to would prefer a longer meeting over dinner.

You will usually know very quickly when you first meet if you are likely to be suited or not and whilst a three or four hour dinner date would turn out to be great if there is chemistry it would be too long and be painfully awkward for both if there isnt. Anyone can get through an hour then politely go your separate ways.

I would also advise against drinking too much alcohol on a first date as whilst it may help you relax it lowers your inhibitions and can cloud your judgement.

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1303634 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 08:55AM

For me i like a daytime first date for an hour or so to see if that magic chemistry is there n real life as you hope it will be. If it isn’t then no one has any awkwardness about heading home afterwards which can be tricky if you have arranged an evening date and end up home sooner than expected

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1294628 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 08:54AM

A lunchtime coffee is a good place to start. Keeps the initial investment of time and risk to an acceptable level and its a good place to decide if you want to go further.

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