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Did you get my good side ?

I find it hard to understand why people put such bad out of focus blurry photos on their profiles! Shall we help with some tips for the best selfie?

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Comments (160)

1327360 - 11 Sep, 2020 - 11:37AM

@Buck Mcfuddy
It's all in the kiss. I once fell so badly for someone who was physically not my type but when he kissed me, I couldn't stand and he became the most attractive man I've ever dated!
There's more to life than looks. Although with Covid-19 you miss the chance to use magical kisses. Time for plan b.

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1403173 - 11 Sep, 2020 - 06:49AM

I have a great body ( as good as if not better than most 30 year olds ) but am 58 so have a 58 years old face ( and am not photogenic - much better in real life ) - women love the bod then run away at the very average face . Getting bored with rejection so tactics have to change to just seeking out ladies who accept that you don't look at the mantle piece when stoking the fire ๐Ÿ˜‹

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gemini2310 - 09 Sep, 2020 - 11:56PM


I change my PW everyday always have done

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1388461 - 09 Sep, 2020 - 10:16PM

I have FB but there are no photo's of me on there either.

1388461 - 09 Sep, 2020 - 10:15PM

For the ones that replied with a first message of what's your PW
I Changed my PW to "What's your's?"
and sent them my PW never got one back lol

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gemini2310 - 09 Sep, 2020 - 09:15PM


I know the feeling and they say can we chat anyway erm no what's the point

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1387952 - 09 Sep, 2020 - 07:48PM

@ gemini2310

I normally get guys saying "hey, I know you say you want local but I think I'll be your perfect match"

No... If you were my perfect match you wouldn't be in London/Midlands/Scotland/Ireland etc

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gemini2310 - 09 Sep, 2020 - 07:39PM


Totally agree must be fairly local so why do some just waste there time messaging from London or further away when I am in the Midlands no chance of meeting at all

1400267 - 09 Sep, 2020 - 05:02PM

@ย raymond961ย - 09 Sep, 2020 - 11:22AM
"Why do some women have a profile photo of one eye????? What on earth?"

and some men!! ๐Ÿ˜‚
Hope they can find each other!

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1387952 - 09 Sep, 2020 - 01:02PM

@ tea_coffee_me_

Yes, you already said that yesterday
(08 Sep, 2020 - 04:18PM)
But nice to see you just want to repeat to make it clear...?

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