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I have just started seeing a new IE - how often should I message her inbetween meets? Any advice would be appreciated

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Comments (85)

tea_coffee_me_ - 15 Sep, 2020 - 10:46PM

Personally I have liked chatter from 'here' to text messaging until after the first few grown up meetings. I say that as I have public meetings first.
Sometimes they have only been 'in office hours', and they message first to know its 'safe'. Minimum I expect is a good morning etc
All of mine have developed into a friendship which is my preference.
I personally like a good rapport especially until we know we are in a relationship .... if then meetings are reduced due to work, family, suspicions, the gold fish ...
As previously stated many of mine have been from people who have worked around the world, and things may have gone quiet, however we have reached a comfortable point ... other times it has given us an easier chance to chat.
I REALLY enjoy the photos n experiences they share.
If it is early days and they go quiet after a first meeting or not heard from for about 4 days plus .... I move on. Many do not have the courage for the 'not quite what I am looking for', so I just take the hint.

gemini2310 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 10:35PM

I also think if one wants exclusive or not which I do if both parties wants lots of different partners then the contact would maybe very little exclusive is a major part to an affair for me and if I didn't hear from him a fair few times in a day it just wouldn't work for me and this would be spoken about from the start so we know where each other stand

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Ha1234 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 09:54PM


Liked that distinction of different dates. But it doesn't follow that if you been to a hotel that there more to talk about......a simple coffee dates may have given enough topics for a prolonged text dialogue for a week or so. So I would imagine each situation would be different.

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1296228 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 09:07PM

Ask the other person and follow there lead xx

1393321 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 08:48PM

Well, it depends on how well she likes you and what sort of dates you've already been on. Coffee dates or hotel dates? If the latter, I think you can text as often as you like, surely she MUST like you as you've been to a hotel. If I like a man he can text many times a day, even if I'm busy, it's always lovely. I may hold back a little in my reply because I deserve to be chased, but I love my man to lead the text tempo.

If its just text chat, and I'm not that connected, and if his texts and prolific i may find that a pressure.

Certainly, an honest chat about expectations is good. For example, if the text messages are free flowing at first but then you get busy with your job or family, I need to know quickly or I will think you've lost interest and I will withdraw.

Hope that helps :-)

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Sera Bellum - 15 Sep, 2020 - 08:17PM

I think it's best to ask and also have a genuine think about what you would want and can manage. Some people have to keep phone messaging brief but can do calls more freely. Best to talk it out to work it out!

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gemini2310 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 07:22PM

Surely that's something the two of you should decided on I have to have contact everyday with iE but we are all different

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DorsetLass89 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 06:59PM


So you revisit the discussion? I don’t see the issue.

Ha1234 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 06:45PM


Communication is going to be random in this kind of situation.....plus conflicting demands...people may not even know how much Communication they need..... so its be difficult to discuss it beforehand

DorsetLass89 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 06:11PM

I think your title says it all.


Ask her, discuss what you’d both like as it’s not just about one person’s needs.

Good luck and have fun :)

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