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I have just started seeing a new IE - how often should I message her inbetween meets? Any advice would be appreciated

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Comments (85)

Frustrated housewife - 15 Sep, 2020 - 05:51PM

I just want arrangements for the next fuck

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Polycarbonate - 15 Sep, 2020 - 04:32PM

There are some obligatory staging posts which can't be ignored. The before and after meets. The supportive, empathetic and helpful. The hot calls and the phone sex which can happen.

Otherwise it's just sociable talk, finding out about folk and their ways of life. Some nice shared intimacy and valiant gestures. Whatever keeps the party going.

At least one in depth conversation per week with a few keep in touches around it.

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1395861 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 03:50PM

I completely agree with Exotic Orchid. Whatever you start with, stick with it. I personally would like frequent communication especially if we can only meet every 3 to 4 weeks. Otherwise how can you build up any kind of rappor?

Also if you just want sex chat let it be known very early on. It's not to everyones tastes

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Southwestbbw - 15 Sep, 2020 - 03:42PM

Yes I agree set expectations and be truthful with how often you can be available. Start as you mean to go on

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Gormlessoaf - 15 Sep, 2020 - 03:13PM

It changes throughout a month. Some months its busy the next, few and far between. It depends on what's practicable. But enough has to be shared for it to be a relationship.

I'm not one for constant inane messages and I don't like to be checked up on either. So if it's too much like that, I move on.

I'd say at least 2 or three times a week for a quick message or talk. But have something worthwhile to introduce yourselves to more aspects of your character. More often I just want to hear a congenial voice.

I might pretend, elaborate or invent a scenario present or past to create a conversation. Anything to make the call worthwhile.

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Floriana - 15 Sep, 2020 - 03:05PM

@exotic Orchid you are so, so, right about this!
And it’s important to message as soon as possible after EVERY hotel meet, in my opinion.
It shows consideration and integrity!!

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ExoticOrchid - 15 Sep, 2020 - 02:20PM

Be sure to keep to the level of frequency YOU are able to maintain ... start as you mean to go on ... we ladies can be quite sensitive about these things ... for example, if you start off with hourly [or whatever] messages at the beginning and then the it starts to tail off, she will notice!

Also important is the message post first hotel meet ... it will be especially noticed, believe me, even by the most resilient of ladies!!!

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Pete likes wine - 15 Sep, 2020 - 01:59PM

This all depends on the relationship you both are looking for, the ground rules you may have agreed and of course the logistical situation. Finally you sense what is right for her. Most of do not forget to message have a meet!

ExoticOrchid - 15 Sep, 2020 - 12:49PM

Unicorn Hunter - 15 Sep, 2020 - 10:03AM

If you scroll down the topics here, you will find the thread about how often people meet their IEs.

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1400267 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 10:28AM

I think it's different for everybody... if you'd like to keep her happy Don't message her less frequent right after having sex!

I'd like to send and receive emails every day or every other days at minimum... and I used to see my IEs every week or 10 days.

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