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Lockdown x2

I've been such a good girl since March, behaving, laying tracks, making
friends and not risking. Today I'm in hampstead with work and Boris made
his speech. Something primal took over, saying I'm not waiting six months
to enjoy the passion and excitement of an older guy.... so I flirted with
the best looking lad in the local pub and took him back to the premier inn.
Am I stupid? Risky? I did vet him first, but I thought no way can I go
another six months xxxx please be frank and honest xx

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Comments (77)

tea_coffee_me_ - 24 Sep, 2020 - 09:06PM

No point saying go out with an IE.
For me NO IE's this year! As often the case just pretenders!!

I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE consent to pass on my details to ANYONE track/trace or other!!
The test is not even for COVID 19 its for a cold!! Generic cold / chromosome 8!!

Fortunately in my circle I have chemists, and those with Phd's in relevant related fields who are not paid off by any 'foundations' or shares in any vaccines.

I knew it was all a smoke screen in March for many reasons ... yes they had all the propaganda of nightingales however military medics training was CANCELLED!!
Genuine problem they would have been fast tracked!!
As per on of the memes sent, increase in IQ tests increase the number of idiots!

Go live your lives, you have a greater risk of car crash death!

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Pogosticks87 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 08:38PM

COVID is not over, we are heading into winter months. Things will get harder and no offense but situations like this are not indicative of a sensible adult. If I was a married man I wouldn't want a woman who'd picked a guy up in a bar because she was desperate. No offense that doesn't sound healthy in any way at the moment.

The right person, whether he's round the corner or not and abstaining from stupidity surely is better than risking COVID to you, and your family. What the hell would your partner say if you'd brought COVID home and infected him and the kids..

There's a fine line between genius and stupidity and you are on the wrong side of it.

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732384 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 08:20PM

A vet may have been a good option, get down boy, lets clip those nails,

Oh yes temperature check time, and yes its going up there!

Angel123 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 07:06PM

Well done, a round of applause for you, because, let’s face it everything is about you and your self congratulation for being ‘such a good girl’
I must have missed the news that Covid no longer exists, that people are no longer dying and that thousands of people aren’t in lockdown.
IMO the days of picking up a random for a quickie are over, you should wise up and grow up and pray to the god of the pandemic that neither of you are infected.

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Jake Jekyll - 24 Sep, 2020 - 06:54PM

No question that it was a risky move but it was also bold. How do you feel about it now? Happy with that or feeling like you need to scrub the church steps this weekend?

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Plum Blonde - 24 Sep, 2020 - 05:27PM

I think you will get lots of attention from guys who want quick results that is for certain .

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1278875 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 05:07PM

Start taking bad decisions and it will take you to a place where others only dream of being. Good for you 🤗

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1411134 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 04:25PM

How could you possibly meet a guy in a pub, vet him, and then take him to a hotel?
What did the vetting consist of?
Risky to say the least !!!

Angel 💋 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 02:59PM


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Perfect moments - 24 Sep, 2020 - 02:14PM

What you written there doesnt really make sense so I wonder if its actually true. Looking for an older guy but picking some lad in the pub who you have already vetted? How would you have done that?
I think you have done a very risky thing there. Anything could have happened.

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