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Keeping in contact

How often do you exchange texts/messages  with your IE? Sometimes can go days without a reply, is this normal? Can't help but think they have lost interest or am I being sensitive?

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Comments (160)

1627467 - 17 Oct, 2023 - 03:45PM

I would say this is a difficult question to answer.

It depends on the boundaries agreed at the beginning of any IE established relationship. For the most part, people are in relationships so it maybe inappropriate to be sending messages at times that have not been previously agreed.

That said, despite people’s circumstances: the idea of this site is to bring excitement to individuals lives that may not continue to exist in their current situation.

So it stands to reason that for excitement to bloom and for expectations of a IE relationship to offer more than the status quo: we need to maintain a frequent, open and honest as well as owe inspiring line of communication.

Otherwise, what’s the point: we all need mental, emotional and spiritual stimulation: only then is the sexual experience of any relationship worth while.

So i would suggest establishing firm boundaries from the outset, so we know when is appropriate to message: and to ensure we’re not getting anyone in trouble.

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1529050 - 17 Oct, 2023 - 03:40PM

Should read REALISTIC (NOT unrealistic) O to be able to edit

Dotty Green - 17 Oct, 2023 - 03:33PM

I do not think the good night or good morning texts are REALISTIC (unrealistic) and should not be expected - nice if they happen.

We all have lives just be realistic.

1408586 - 17 Oct, 2023 - 03:36PM

I think a change from their normal messaging pattern is more of a clue to whether they’ve lost interest. Although obviously messaging peaks early on and fades into a more established routine.

I did think matching with someone who has a similar comms style to me was important to what I was looking for (after previous bad experience) but have realised that in person encounters are the most important element to an affair and I can compromise to a degree on messaging

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1529050 - 17 Oct, 2023 - 03:36PM

sorry should read REALISTIC (not unrealistic) O to be able to edit a post

FluffyClouds - 17 Oct, 2023 - 03:36PM

Sometimes I may not be in the right headspace for messaging, depends what's going on in the background of my personal life. Weekends can be problematic for some. But anyone who can't message over a whole week isn't worth wasting your time on. If they can't find the time why should I?

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1529050 - 17 Oct, 2023 - 03:33PM

I do not think the good night or good morning texts are unrealistic and should not be expected - nice if they happen.

We all have lives just be realistic.

1626089 - 17 Oct, 2023 - 01:20PM

Daily.. sometime more often ... depends on nature of relationship

DefinitelyMightBe - 17 Oct, 2023 - 12:27PM

Agree with Lusty - not everyone is glued to their phone everyday (yes, honestly) and people have work and life in general to deal with on a day-to-day basis.

It’s not just men who ghost either by the way.

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1629647 - 17 Oct, 2023 - 12:24PM

I love a good morning and a good night text. Even throw in the occasional erotic thread to build the excitement between meets.
I do like messages throughout the day where possible, but I also like to call when we can, as I love hearing his voice....it gives me goosebumps and keeps the connection alive.

Might sound needy but for the right man he wouldn't be disappointed xx

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Lusty40 - 17 Oct, 2023 - 11:57AM

I am a big time texter, but appreciate that some are not.
Find out first if they are & obviously got to consider their work & home life. How easy is it to communicate. That way you won’t worry so much if there’s not an instant reply.
But I like it when I get daily messages to keep up the excitement

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