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Meeting my IE for the first time...

I am planning on meeting my IE for the first time. We have spent a lot of time talking and now we want to make things happen in person. Where can we meet? What hotels allow for 'day room' access?

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Comments (127)

Teresa di Vicenzo - 13 May, 2021 - 04:05PM

As someone else has said : Do not meet in a hotel room for your first meet. Even though you’ve been chatting online / via text, they’re still a stranger. It would be potentially very silly and could actually be dangerous.
Meet in a mutually agreed public place for a coffee. Keep yourself in public at all times. Remember, you do not know this person.
Allow only a couple of hours. If possible, tell someone where you’ll be and ask them to text you midway through so you can escape early if you need to subtly.
Be careful, but have fun

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1447655 - 13 May, 2021 - 02:27PM

As missingasmile says...it might be a good idea not to jump to the hotel room first. There are things you just can't tell unless you are person to person, that physical chemistry thing, essence...even a very short date just to satisfy curiosity. Their is always a chance they aren't what you expect!

After that - hey, hotels are available from Monday...the world and his potential mistress will be booking those day rooms! They should re-name Monday especially for the occasion! Suggestions?!

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Sigmaguy - 13 May, 2021 - 01:02PM

Oh and try airBnb - rent a nice private room, it’s not as expensive as a hotel, more discreet and you can stay as long or as short (hopefully the former) as you like.

Sigmaguy - 13 May, 2021 - 01:00PM

My 5 pence worth. I tend to avoid lots of messages and chit chat before the first couple of dates, mainly because you can never really know someone until you meet. Often it’s a let down, so spending weeks and moths communicating without meeting is a total waste of time,

Last couple of dates I’ve just sent a message ‘you and me need to go on a date!’ And voila a coupe of messages later and it’s fixed. If I get any messages in between I know the lady on the other end is keen. I keep conversation short and sweet until me meet, always works a treat.

Build up excitement, stay mysterious and you’ll have way more success (and fun)

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1433297 - 13 May, 2021 - 11:05AM

Do you not want to meet for a coffee first before finding a location for sex?

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1382355 - 13 May, 2021 - 09:29AM

Google day use rooms. If you live in a city there is a good selection but further out is more difficult

1447499 - 13 May, 2021 - 09:04AM

As I'm relatively new here too I'd be quite interested in people's responses to this one, although I do know that motel services (travelodge, Premier Inn et-al) have been open for 'business use' during lock down.

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