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More attentive?

I get that feeling of freedom of doing something in secret and knowing that those around me couldn't believe I could do something like having an affair. The draw of that sensation of the knot in your stomach caused by the butterflies causing havoc and the knees wobbling is hard to resist. 

I feel because of this I am a little more attentive to those around me... Can anyone relate?

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Comments (102)

1590175 - 22 Apr, 2023 - 04:54PM



Sandypops - 22 Apr, 2023 - 04:50PM

I'm at the early stages where my mind is constantly wandering, wonder if any of the men I'm talking to will end up being longer-term.
Luckily my bestie in real life is on here too, though we are very different as people and are looking for different things.
I'm looking for a connection, not just physically (though that's exciting)
Lord Flasheart, I also spent a long time last night 'counselling' two men, I can't stop being caring and a good listener 🤦🏻‍♀️ that's me. I'm actually going for dinner tonight a client and her husband for her birthday. I've known them both for 10 years and recently had an affair with him. I ended it and he's struggling with that, so tonight will be interesting. I couldn't say no to his wife as they don't have many friends and she was very insistent. wWat was I going to say, sorry but I've been shagging your husband and ended it, so it will be a bit awkward. 🤦🏻‍♀️ he's had some mental health issues and I've been more of a counsellor than a lover, so th

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1493359 - 22 Apr, 2023 - 01:56PM

Absolutely couldn’t agree with you more, the feeling I have when i arrive home after being with my lover is unique and i offer more to my family

Sammi468 - 30 Mar, 2023 - 10:21PM

Certainly can. I am a better version of me.
No life stuff to deal with just pure hedonism.
It is lovely to just do something for yourself. Be a femme fatale and strut your self.
I feel more sexy and more desirable and I am sure it shoes.

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Pink Eiga - 23 Mar, 2023 - 05:22PM



1587581 - 23 Mar, 2023 - 05:12PM


No idea of numbers, but if it's flowing naturally without any thought, then you're just know you're going in the right direction.

It's another one of those intangibles that fits in the "when you know, you know" category.

Pink Eiga - 23 Mar, 2023 - 05:04PM

I’d probably say content is probably more important, but what would people say constitutes as ‘frequent’ or ‘intensive’ messaging, in terms of number of messages going to and fro?

1587581 - 23 Mar, 2023 - 03:02PM


Actually I'm just a regular guy with a somewhat dry sense of humour. I'm straightforward and open, which it appears is refereshing to many on here. I can only imagine some of the unsavouryness you ladies have to put up with.

Anyhow, said lady who needed a bit of emotional support and I have kind of become quite fond of each other after close to 200 messages exchanged, so something may unexpectedly have come of that. Still unfolding......

Intoxicate said:-

I've had chats with a couple of very nice ladies who were reluctant to meet me as my separated status and the nature of my personality means they'd be scared of falling for me.....makes total sense.

🤣 comedian by any chance?

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1585013 - 22 Mar, 2023 - 05:32PM

Yes .. try to keep your boxes in line and unopened and in the right places ..

And don’t forget this isn’t real until it is …

But when it’s real embrace it and enjoy it - while you can .. in complete silence …

I had a moment of crisis - told a mate - he just told me to stop talking balls - and didn’t believe me .. so it’s true - the quiet ones are the ones to watch …

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Syphyjohn - 20 Mar, 2023 - 04:34PM

It does not Fluffy, unfortunately. If I lived in an Emmerdale world then I would be happy as pig in shit.

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