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Am I just panicking or should I be concerned?

I’ve been chatting to a guy on here since last October, and wanted to meet him, but due to a family bereavement on his side, a meet hasn’t happened yet.

Recently I’ve really wanted to meet him, but when I mention he says he can’t, as he’s too flakey and concentrating on his family. He has a habit of going awol from chats for weeks at a time, with no word, then comes back, and expects me to be ok about that.

This week he finally decided that he’s like to meet, but I’m worried about the circumstances. The hotel he’s picked is near his workplace, but a 40min drive for me, he doesn’t want to meet for a drink first, just go straight for sex. He’s picked the day, but hasn’t even asked me if it’s convenient for me.

My intuition is telling me to be careful, but I’m not sure if I’m just nervous, as this would be my first affair.

Could anyone that has more experience offer and guidance or gut feelings on this one?

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Comments (151)

SunshineBaby96 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 05:42PM

To be honest most men on here just want to dirty chat all day and want you to send them pics/videos at all hours

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Ricky67999 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 03:02PM

Given how much he’s messed you round (whether due to circumstances within or beyond his control) surely the meet must be on your terms.

I had this recently where I finally met an IE for a dinner date at the 3rd time of asking. 1st time she cancelled (work) 2nd time it was my turn (Covid positive), and then I let the communication drift due to Xmas etc. finally we got chatting again, agreed to meet and She got to choose the venue etc.

Sounds like he’s messing you around. You must meet somewhere public first and only proceed from there if you’re 100% comfortable…

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Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 02:41PM

This guy is a waste of time …get rid 😁

File him under B …

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1447655 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 02:23PM

What you have here is a classic timewaster. A lot of people like the idea of a affair partner but not the actual inconvenience and risk. Chances are this guy will stand you up actually. As sad as it is he's probably content with a 'virtual' fling - getting his rovks off on line sexting, pictures, 'mutual on line action'. When he's quiet he's probably found someone on line that gives him that. As he keeps coming back he maybe genuinely likes you - or maybe you just keep letting him come back (i've been there) but he's wasting you time. Honest guys chat, not just about sex and they want to meet you in real life and not just at a hotel.

Fling this one back in the poluted pool. I know it's really hard when you feel you have made a special connection, but this one will have an excuse for everything. And set some boundaries down. The ones who complain about them are the ones to block. We live and learn, hey?!

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Purple dreamer - 11 Mar, 2024 - 01:16PM

I would not carry on as he is likely to take his cake and eat it then you never hear from him again and he moves onto the next if he hasn't already had a number of others by now

You deserve better and I am sure there are better on here

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Lemon80 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 12:34PM

You’ve answered your own question really. If it’s been messed around this much, it’s more than likely to be a no show and messed around again etc. I would end it and move on is what I would suggest. Also, any meet yes should be mutually decided, but without doubt as a man I would always let the woman have the final say on this, then that way they are comfortable, feel at ease and in control of the choices.

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marklondonengland - 11 Mar, 2024 - 12:04PM

It's not a question of being careful, it's a red flag to to not see him - he is at best being unreasonable and (possibly) coercive and controlling. Even if an IE relationship is started because of a desire for more, or better, sex, it still needs to be consensual and enjoyable for both. You don't need to drive a long distance to his town, at the time he states, to a hotel he has booked, just so you can satisfy him and then watch him kick you out of the room "because he is flakey" ... you should insist on meeting somewhere that is mutually convenient first for a drink and chat with no pressure to get undressed immediately. See how the chemistry feels in person and if it works then book another time together where you can be alone. If he thinks this is a waste of time or not how an affair should be conducted, because his need to get you alone in a hotel room takes priority, then forget this guy and find someone that will engage in an affair that is enjoyable for you both.

Falling Angel - 11 Mar, 2024 - 11:55AM

I say this very nicely and no offence meant, but you are enabling his behaviour. You say that 'he expects you to be ok about that', but you are as you are contemplating meeting him on his terms! I'd work on your self esteem before entering into anything IE based. Ignore that advice and your intuition at your peril....

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WineAndOlives - 11 Mar, 2024 - 11:26AM

Avoid it.. avoid him.

I'll keep it short as I can't think of any mitigation.

Stay safe.

1487293 - 05 Apr, 2022 - 07:19PM

Sorry to say but if his behaviour is as you described, why would you turn up? Surely the aim s to have fun, excitement and hopefully some slow sensuous romance, conversation, laughter, smiles, sharing .... There's no fun or laughter that I can predict for such behaviour. I've not persuaded anyone to turn up, far less to engage in a prolonged exchange of views and likes, dislikes and even fantasies. But the thought of expecting to meet and jump straight into bed just smacks of selfishness at least, male arrogance at its worst. I can say with confidence that I wouldn't go anywhere near such a person. Shame on him. Stay away and wait for a proper man.

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