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Am I just panicking or should I be concerned?

I’ve been chatting to a guy on here since last October, and wanted to meet him, but due to a family bereavement on his side, a meet hasn’t happened yet.

Recently I’ve really wanted to meet him, but when I mention he says he can’t, as he’s too flakey and concentrating on his family. He has a habit of going awol from chats for weeks at a time, with no word, then comes back, and expects me to be ok about that.

This week he finally decided that he’s like to meet, but I’m worried about the circumstances. The hotel he’s picked is near his workplace, but a 40min drive for me, he doesn’t want to meet for a drink first, just go straight for sex. He’s picked the day, but hasn’t even asked me if it’s convenient for me.

My intuition is telling me to be careful, but I’m not sure if I’m just nervous, as this would be my first affair.

Could anyone that has more experience offer and guidance or gut feelings on this one?

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Comments (151)

1450168 - 28 Feb, 2022 - 11:31PM

In my humble opinion there is no way you should meet someone in hotel on your first meet. Worst case meet in a public place for drinks or a meal and make a decision from there.
Also if he has been flakey with the communication up until now followed by absolutely no thought or consideration asking when and where is ideal for you to meet you can hopefully see it’s not the best start.

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1498539 - 28 Feb, 2022 - 08:49PM

Dump the chump pick me 😊

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1508884 - 28 Feb, 2022 - 03:00PM

Find someone else...

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1497533 - 28 Feb, 2022 - 11:50AM

She poster asked for our opinions. The other party isn't here to give his. Although i suspect if they met on here, he may well be reading the comments

In any case, He's said he wants to meet for sex. Not a case of innocent or guilty. That's his choice. The OP has doubts because she wants an affair. Which part of that is difficult to understand

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Paula99 - 28 Feb, 2022 - 11:13AM

Life in the fast lane...

I am all for giving folk a second chance and there are two sides to every story...gut feelings are 99% correct...my experience tells me he isn't worth it...by the way I see serial offenders every day so innocent until proven guilty doesn't always apply....🤣

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Mad World - 28 Feb, 2022 - 10:26AM

Is this the guy everyone is digging out, who hasn’t put forward his side of the story and who had a family bereavement recently? It is isn’t it?

Good to see Guilty until Proven Innocent reigns in the Den of Iniquity.

Happy Week to all the IE Forum Pilgrims

PlayingDominoes - 28 Feb, 2022 - 10:06AM

You'll not see him after you've had sex...

(Sorry) I'm a guy.

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Paula99 - 27 Feb, 2022 - 10:42PM

You already know the answer you're the one in control ...he's too far up his arse..🤣🤣

1444888 - 27 Feb, 2022 - 06:41PM

Something doesn't sound right. Insist on a meeting drinks and chat first.

Something Just Like This - 27 Feb, 2022 - 05:40PM

Never go straight to a hotel, always meet for a drink first and in a public place. Too many red flags here. He is clearly just after sex. You are worth more than that. Move on

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