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When do you know……?

It is so difficult reading between the lines of text messages. Ladies, how do we guys know you are interested, or just being friendly? What vibes should we be looking out for, and what kind of responses strike a balance between being keen back but not disrespectful?

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Comments (229)

1554691 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 09:26PM

I would like to know how we can differentiate between a fake profile and a real one. Of course the chat to a fake person is great, and full of wonderful compliments (gut says it' too good to be true)...

I would like a better filter in this website, so I can focus on a lady who best matches what I am looking for / what they're looking for.

1558991 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 09:03PM

Lol oh indeed the charming gentlemen

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The Charming Gentleman - 17 Nov, 2022 - 08:30PM

You simply have to be direct, and clear in what you really want. Endless messaging is flirty but not going to achieve your true goal.

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1558991 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 08:23PM

Shout him ass back pay coffee lololol that's option lol

1558991 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 08:21PM

Well Miss Chief 76 guy does runner lol

1408586 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 08:06PM

In answer to the question. If I am still messaging after a pw swap, it means I’d be happy to meet. If it’s a no at that stage I would say so politely. Rather than asking or wondering why not just suggest a coffee?

In order to keep it keen but not disrespectful. Try and mirror enthusiasm and don’t push sexy talk unless she responds enthusiastically. I personally don’t do pre meet

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1442913 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 07:50PM

I find a good indication of interest is when you share you pw and then don't get a response 😅😭

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1483842 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 07:08PM

Just ask the question rather than beating about the bush.

The more direct you are the more time you will save.

Good luck

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1558991 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 05:57PM

Or even getting first message pretty good progress

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whatmightbenext - 17 Nov, 2022 - 04:41PM

Getting to the point of having a number is pretty good progress I'd say! wonder if a community profile review thread would be useful...or just too depressing 😅

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