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Personal Maintenance

I prefer a facially well groomed man with a beard or not. But have met men who neglect certain areas which spoils the overall effect. Ear hairs, nose hairs, blackheads, flakey skin, hair growing from top if nose. Why can't men make sure their skin, hair and nails are in check and tidy? How would they like a woman turning up with all that? Get with the maintenance programme!

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Comments (170)

1447655 - 30 Dec, 2022 - 11:27AM


Hello there! My ideal partner section is a description of my actual long term I.E! Hence my profile is hidden, set in the Shetlands and set to looking for Friendship only. I had to kiss a lot of (unbearded) frogs before I met him though and I like the forum and especially the fellow deviant ladies on here for company. That's why my profile says "my match is"...as in this is who he is. And yes, he is unbearded! Xx

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1552141 - 30 Dec, 2022 - 11:23AM

I wouldn’t meet anyone with a beard, if she’s hasn’t made the effort with facial hair who knows what it’s like down there 😆

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1483842 - 30 Dec, 2022 - 10:59AM

Nothing worse than a hairy sweaty crack. 70's porn muffs and tufts...no thanks. My skin is so sensitive that I rash anywhere that a brillo pad visits. When I look at a man, nails are in my top 3 qualities I look for. Hygiene is so important. It's always nice to have a shower together beforehand, for me I won't risk a sweaty betty ruining the whole experience for the sake of some lathering/cleaning

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1408586 - 30 Dec, 2022 - 10:42AM

@LG I lost my beard virginity with an incredibly tall dark and handsome man from rural Ireland. His beard wasn’t full but definitely more than stubble and it suited his look. I’m not sure I noticed it any more than being with someone with stubble (which I quite like). In fact I’d say it added to the experience overall 😉

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J1on1d - 30 Dec, 2022 - 10:31AM


From your profile I think you might be running away from a lot more than hair. You have pretty much painted a mental picture of somebody who is a very rare character. Good luck in your search! 😊

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1447655 - 30 Dec, 2022 - 10:15AM

I'm a beard virgin, I've never even kissed someone with one. I love stubble and find that crazy sexy, but I just can't do beards! I agree they make sense for men, and are so fashionable these days, but I'm almost squeamish about them. I think of one leaning in for a kiss...I think I might swerve it! I feel it's like being approached by a wild animal or a giant spider. I know i'm in the minority, but beard fear is real! As for ear, nose or crazy eyebrow hair? Nope! Running away from those too!

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J1on1d - 30 Dec, 2022 - 09:35AM

I like to look the best I can every day along with a squirt of scent, whether I was to meet anybody or not (even when at home all day). I don’t have a beard and I go to the gym (not body building) just to be healthy and I make sure that everything that should be trimmed, is. One thing I have always been careful about it having nails trimmed short; apart from being hygenic it reduces the chance of injury or pain to another.

In good hands - 30 Dec, 2022 - 09:30AM

This is a psychologist's dream: explaining to someone who is not self-aware that a state of affairs exists of which not only are they not aware, but of which they are not capable of being aware.

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Max_master - 30 Dec, 2022 - 09:21AM

Totally agree IYM.

Like they say about love - same for hygiene - I’d you can’t love and respect yourself, how will you love and respect someone else.

Max_master - 30 Dec, 2022 - 09:13AM

I’ve done bearded looks for my affair (my private pics are full of shades of them) and I did that because she loved it. Anything to please - but I have a professionally life of a very senior role - so learning to manage that was fun. I believe personal hygiene and good fragrance and clean/non smelly mouth are such a basic requirement and still - gents and ladies, both, have been found to be short on that basic. What say people … and good morning 😃 (it is so overcast in london though)

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