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Personal Maintenance

I prefer a facially well groomed man with a beard or not. But have met men who neglect certain areas which spoils the overall effect. Ear hairs, nose hairs, blackheads, flakey skin, hair growing from top if nose. Why can't men make sure their skin, hair and nails are in check and tidy? How would they like a woman turning up with all that? Get with the maintenance programme!

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Comments (170)

EmnEm123 - 25 May, 2024 - 12:52PM

Quality Counts

Give us some examples?

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1673487 - 25 May, 2024 - 06:12AM

errm.....some women do turn up like that !

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Life is a beach - 24 May, 2024 - 11:36PM

A man who doesn't look after himself is a massive turn off!
My IE has got facial hair, I love it, tidy, I could play with it forever.
At the end of the day facial hair or not, it is the person who matters!

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1596886 - 24 May, 2024 - 10:25PM

@ The Real because masculinity is terrible fragile.

A man is made up of varying degrees of three different parts, his head, his heart and his dick. Like a venn diagram. Each part has a hand on the steering wheel, so to speak, and can exert influence on his behaviour. Most of the time each part has an equal amount of influence but they vary.

In a place like this the dick is pretty much in charge of the whole thing. The dick has but one purpose. It pumps out some chemicals so that the man thinks that his mere presence is enough to attract women. Because the brain is a passenger he doesn’t think about his approach and because his heart is not in it he doesn’t put the effort in.

So when he is rejected for what he perceives as physical deficiencies it hurts the dick. And it only knows one way to react and that’s with anger. The heart will look up from its newspaper with mild interest but the brain has gone for a walk.

Tl;dr we sulk because we think you think we’re ugly.

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The real - 24 May, 2024 - 10:06PM

Why men get offended when get asked for pictures??!!

1665299 - 24 May, 2024 - 09:52PM

Gents! We owe it to the ladies in our lives to keep our facial, nose and ear hair under control - and don’t forget eye brows. My advice is to go to the barbers every month or so.

A gentleman should be well tuned out at all times.

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thenakedfarmer - 24 May, 2024 - 06:41PM

Well I have stubble a lot of the time because I'm in a job that's not customer facing, self employed so I decide what I look like when doing my job lol .. plus when I do shave completely smooth I come out in an annoying but temporary rash as my skin is very sensitive under the stubble. I do shave at times though but generally just clip beard hair short but not to the skin. Suits me apparently, it's nice and soft.

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Pink Eiga - 24 May, 2024 - 05:21PM

Ditto @Enigma regarding facial hair. Sensitive skin, and cannot afford to go home with a rash.

Apart from that, probably someone who maintains things as well as I do, which is only fair.

EmnEm123 - 24 May, 2024 - 04:28PM

If the bits that you can see are unkempt, I shudder to think about the state of the bits you can't see.

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marklondonengland - 24 May, 2024 - 02:36PM

As with many of the comments or questions on this forum, this has created a discussion around personal preferences. Whether you like hair or not is not the point. The question is around basic personal hygiene and grooming. It's a fairly basic expectation and is not connected to the question of whether you do or do not like a hairy chest...

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