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Inopportune encounters

I had the oddest IE experience at the weekend.

There I was in Chester Tesco, not where I normally hang out, and as I looked up from my Dairy Lea multipack I saw this rather attractive woman who I couldn't quite place. We looked across aisle 17 and both of us recognised something about the other. Of course, I eventually realised we'd spent some time getting to know one another on IE and by this time she'd gone.

It left me curious whether anyone else had bumped into an IE at an inopportune moment?


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Comments (87)

Fluffy Sunshine - 12 Jan, 2023 - 07:48AM

Yes a few years ago I was in Sainsburys with my children. In one of the aisles, noticed my IE at the time with his wife. We both clocked each other but didn’t say a word. Felt really weird walking past him like he was a complete stranger. We messaged each other later to say what a strange experience it had been.

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Cheesypuff - 11 Jan, 2023 - 08:42PM

When I was behind bins at back of Asdas with Margaret from the tills Terry from the Deli came to empty his trimmings in the meat bin and nearly rumbled us.

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Pink Eiga - 11 Jan, 2023 - 04:26PM

Attended a training session run by an external company. The trainer turned out to be someone I had met a few times and thought things were heading the right way before he decided to ghost me. Later that evening I received a message from him saying that he had missed me and that we should start over. ‘Can I take you out to dinner?’, he asked.

I took great pleasure returning the favour of ignoring him.

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Paula99 - 11 Jan, 2023 - 04:04PM

I remember a few years back and I was seeing an IE and we stayed in a premier Inn in Shropshire…it was the same time the 6 nations rugby was in flow..the morning after the night before we go down for breakfast the early sitting and we chose a quiet corner table .. ..we had just finished our full English and I noticed people coming in..I looked over and I see my brother and his mate ..they didn’t see me as the waitress was showing them to a table so I nipped out quickly ..luckily my bag was in the car ..my brother and his mate were driving to Cardiff so they wanted a good breakfast before the main drag..,I kissed my IE quickly in the car park and we parted..
Whenever I saw him again we stayed at a more out of the way premier inn …🤭

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ExoticOrchid - 11 Jan, 2023 - 03:39PM

Best to avoid PDAs ... would be difficult to explain why you were all over your male/female work colleague!!!

I've never had any such awkward encounters but have had a couple of very unexpected situations, both in London ... I was walking to Victoria Station when my phone rang and this voice said you didn't tell me you were in London ... turned out he (ex IE) was at the traffic lights and spotted me ... he parked up and we went for a drink!!!

Another time, I was having lunch at this restaurant and an IE walked in ... he didn't see me and I waited a few minutes to make sure he was on his own before catching his attention ... thankfully we were both (innocently) alone and had a lovely unexpected meet.

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J1on1d - 11 Jan, 2023 - 02:04PM

Never had any close encounters either. Always been far enough away to not be in the same place as somebody we may know.

Of course you can be anywhere and bump into somebody you know - or be seen even if you haven’t seen them.

Not worth risking having an IE in the same town.

1529050 - 11 Jan, 2023 - 11:19AM

Wowzers - some very near misses here!!

Never happened to me, nor have I ever bumped into or saw any ex IEs.

We keep our intermate fun and contact for when we know we are perfectly safe, and if we are seen in a pub after our adventure it can be passed off as a mate or work colleague - you have to act natural and not act like a deer caught in the headlights. I work in a very male orientated environment and I also have quite a few male mates. I guess always expect the unexpected and be on your guard and don't get too complacent in public.

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Andyoxf - 10 Jan, 2023 - 10:05PM

Once I dropped my IE date near her house. She made me park a few doors down. Then she suddenly stuck her head into my lap. I was wondering what she up to! Apparently, her husband was walking along the road towards the house, right past my car. I would have thought it would be a lot less suspicions to remain seated and thank me for the lift, rather than look as if she were performing a sex act on me, but her husband didn't notice and she arrived home a few minutes after him.

I was more embarrassed when, a decade ago, two female friends and I had fake Facebook accounts where we chatted one another up and generally enjoyed being in a fantasy world (we were too far away to meet). Then I got friend request from another woman, so started chatting her up, as if she was part of the fantasy too. Then I saw her at my son's school. She knew me. And she probably knew my wife too but hadn't made the connection. I stopped chatting to her online after that and I think I deleted the fake account.

1561646 - 10 Jan, 2023 - 09:48PM

Chatting on IE, meet, then standing next to on school playground half hour later!!

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Pink Eiga - 10 Jan, 2023 - 09:32PM

Never knew there was an actual term for the best bud of a husband’s sibling.

What about best friend, once removed?

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