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How important is a good profile name and photo..?

Have you dismissed a potential IE on the basis of a terrible user name and
a profile photo? I know I have, maybe I should have given them some friendly advice?

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Comments (229)

Awordsmith - 08 Nov, 2022 - 09:33PM

If someone can’t be bothered to invest the required time/ effort to craft an intriguing/ titillating nom de plume and profile description they probably won’t invest much time/ effort in an illicit affair either! 🤔

1560139 - 07 Nov, 2022 - 05:19PM

As a newbie, seeing the auto generated profiles I thought immediately that they could be fake profiles. I know that’s not the case but I’d prefer a few words chosen by you than something out together by a bot…. And that’s coming from someone who finds it hard to write something ‘perfect’ that doesn’t come across as being desperate/needy/sex pest!!

With regards to photos I know I’m drawn more to a profile with a picture even if it’s pixelated (I completely understand anonymity) it starts to help form a picture of you together with your words…

JonP1974 - 06 Nov, 2022 - 05:09PM

No, initially it's about what is written in the profile that counts. I'm not very good with photos anyway plus half of my face is blurred out. A name is a name, sometimes it is descriptive of the person, but again it is all about the profile.

1529050 - 04 Nov, 2022 - 03:26PM

businessflyer - 04 Nov, 2022 - 11:55AM

I have no issue sharing my PW fairly early on but expect the same back

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Pink Eiga - 04 Nov, 2022 - 02:19PM

businessflyer - 04 Nov, 2022 - 11:55AM

There is a reason for choosing when to show one’s pw. I think we should always respect the other person’s position. I prefer to withhold mine until I think I might actually want to meet the person. I have had my fair share of meets and don’t think I’ve missed out on anything by doing it this way.

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Paula99 - 04 Nov, 2022 - 01:54PM

Business flyer…

So you think because we don’t share a picture then we shouldn’t be here???

I am in a profession that can’t share pictures randomly . I don’t have Facebook.. twitter ..Snapchat accounts. I will share my picture if I intend to meet someone after I have chatted to the person….but on another platform

I guess you have encountered the time wasters and idiots but don’t tar us all with the same brush 🤔

Good luck with your hunt for a woman 10/15 years younger. 😁

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1558428 - 04 Nov, 2022 - 11:55AM

Seems to me that the automatically generated profiles are ludicrous...

Profile Pictures are essential.
- I've met a few women who might have looked like their profile pic 10 years ago, but not now. People who won't share a picture, they shouldn't be on here.
- The reality is some people like mine and others don't - ce la vie. Better to get that over with than waste ages chatting and then find 'you're not my type...'

Pink Eiga - 04 Nov, 2022 - 11:39AM

saracen79 - 04 Nov, 2022 - 09:25AM

Maybe nobody knows what you’re looking for, as your ‘Ideal IE’ section is blank

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FluffyClouds - 04 Nov, 2022 - 10:48AM

Saracen79 -

You need to give it time on here, it's certainly not a quick fix. On the plus side, you did receive 5 messages, why did they not go any further? 😉

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saracen79 - 04 Nov, 2022 - 09:25AM

I think it’s really important to have a good profile, but how much to give now versus how much to tell someone you connect with!

Can anyone help me? I think I’ve written to 50 would-be partners in crime and maybe 35 have read my profile, 5 have messaged - where am I going wrong?

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