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How important is a good profile name and photo..?

Have you dismissed a potential IE on the basis of a terrible user name and
a profile photo? I know I have, maybe I should have given them some friendly advice?

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Comments (229)

Horror_Fan - 29 Oct, 2022 - 11:51PM

Only one - his profile picture was of a hard right-wing politician. If that represents his world views, I know we won't get along. There's nothing wrong with that, he's just not right for me.

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Pink Eiga - 29 Oct, 2022 - 10:46PM

Mr Williams

I think you will have a few takers.

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1529050 - 29 Oct, 2022 - 08:32PM

Mr. Williams - 29 Oct, 2022 - 05:54PM

All looks pretty good to me - I’m sure you’ll get snapped up

Good luck 👍🏻

1502658 - 29 Oct, 2022 - 05:54PM

I am not sure on mine. I actually wrote it rather than a cut n paste. Photos I can understand being hidden as we don’t want to be ‘outted’

Some profiles just have one line in. How can I write a dm with any clue as to what you may have in common. Oh and the fakes all look the same..

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Red Succubus - 29 Oct, 2022 - 12:37PM

I like the user names where one has to Google what it means. 😁

Paula99 - 29 Oct, 2022 - 09:37AM

The profile wizard is there to guide you but it’s not for copy and paste… the best thing is to pencil in a ‘temporary’ one and then read ‘others’ profiles and create your own… also you can read the forum and see the positives or negatives. 👌

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leggysheila - 29 Oct, 2022 - 07:54AM

I like my username. I think it fits my profile pic XXX

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CurvyKirsty - 29 Oct, 2022 - 12:25AM

Jist fun

Hmanforyou - 28 Oct, 2022 - 11:39PM

A lot of lady’s use the auto generated profile system on IE, its such a joke I have to assume they never read the results. If you cant write what you are and what you want why bother being on here?

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1541744 - 28 Oct, 2022 - 05:23PM

A good username is intriguing but unless it is coarse I do not find it any kind of game changer as many are created without much planning or forethought (I just use the same one everywhere as it is easier).

Avatars for women are also not a put off as I would not expect you to waive your anonymity straight away though if it is a picture of a real woman I do wonder if it is a picture of you ( unless I have seen it before ).
I didn't see the available male avatars as I skipped that when I set up, so I cannot comment on the quality of those. ( Can't find them now)

I do however dislike the auto generated profile texts as they read like a bad script to the point that "I am Sven and I have come to service the boiler"* starts to ooze literary potential.
After reading "just to inform you I'm university educated" a few times I am more likely to move on.

* I am sure that this should be followed by "just slip down the back passage, She's been fiddling with the old geyser but it just isn't working for her"

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