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The 'Average' body

This seems, I suggest, to be often considered differently by men and women.

It does of course perhaps depend on age? I mean is it a size 10 when
considering a woman in her 20's. Or a 12/14 when older say after having
kids? Or even 14/16?

What is a woman's view and also that of a man?

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Comments (225)

Cheesypuff - 06 Feb, 2023 - 02:31PM

CitrusCandy - 06 Feb, 2023 - 02:11PM

Oh go on then I'll have a look if you insist 😏

CitrusCandy - 06 Feb, 2023 - 02:11PM

If you have it then say so. To be honest I am proud of my body, it has taken time to get here but now I have it, I want to show it. That is me.

J1on1d - 06 Feb, 2023 - 11:55AM

leggysheila - 04 Feb, 2023 - 03:35PM

A, C, E +

Doesn’t matter, like everything, it is what you do with them that counts. At least when smaller you avoid the constant clapping during doggy but on the other hand it does provide encouragement as I feel like I must be doing well, with all that applause! 🤣🤣

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1327762 - 06 Feb, 2023 - 11:39AM

I've struggled with the description of body shape on here.
I have had previous coffee dates with ladies who have described themselves as "curvy" who have been size 8 to a lady who was a size 20+.
It's very subjective.
Dress sizes themselves are confusing too (for a man). Different sizes from different retailers (not all size 10s are created equal) and then further complicated with different sizes of tops and bottoms.
Ill just stick to meeting on a date and see if there the attraction is there (on both sides)

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1533992 - 05 Feb, 2023 - 09:45PM


The rash is clearing up nicely thanks.
It will never get well if you pick it.


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Cheesypuff - 05 Feb, 2023 - 12:06AM

Rufus 269 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 11:20PM

You wanna get some antibiotics for that.

1533992 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 11:47PM

Now ive gone and spelt "whether" wrong.......sorry Becky

Too much text speak

1533992 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 11:27PM

Leggy Shiela

Given the site we are on surely (shirley)The important thing is wether anyone else can get into your school uniform .

RUFUS (dont call me shirley)

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1533992 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 11:20PM


Fanny craddock?

1533992 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 11:05PM


I apuligise fro mi spulling erroy and any pissmronunciation.

Ckleary i shud av pade more attenshun in inglis lessins.

Obvs im not a cunning lingwist

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