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New Year, New Me?

I have decided 2024 is going to be my year! One of my main priorities is to find happiness for myself as the past few years I have been very unhappy in my marriage. Has anyone any tips for a newbie?

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Comments (37)

ExoticOrchid - 05 Jan, 2024 - 04:06PM

Funny rabbit - 03-41PM

I've got to warn you that this Forum's favourite sport is Single Bashing ... apparently we have nothing to lose, we cannot be trusted to be discreet, we'll be after these marrieds with a vengeance, we will want more than they can give, etc, etc!!! 🙄

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Funnyrabbit - 05 Jan, 2024 - 03:41PM

I’m separated now, I was unhappy and stuck in a rut that was going nowhere. Recently single and a happy single now, Iv been concentrating on myself and where I want my life to go, trying new things. Holidays abroad last year on my own and loved it
Think you need to know what you want out of life, then go and get it.

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Stefan0923 - 05 Jan, 2024 - 01:55PM

I would love to make you smile again and be happy , be good and hopefully things will work out for you if not contact me x

LadyDe - 05 Jan, 2024 - 12:29PM


Best advice to us all I think …

Also Be true to yourself, don’t rush and the right IE will get you and understand. You know anything is a winning bonus we all know what we’re here for, sometimes just chill, have fun and go with the flow

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Suffolkrogue - 05 Jan, 2024 - 11:35AM

All the previous comments are good advice, so select which parts suit your situation.
All I'd add - from my previous experience- is don't expect anything; be yourself; be patient!

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1641403 - 05 Jan, 2024 - 09:27AM

Be open to meeting people who you don't perceive to be your type, and say yes more than you say no. Use this as space to meet different sorts people and you may be surprised by who you click with, I certainly have been in the past.

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Hot lips 69 - 04 Jan, 2024 - 06:41PM

Surround yourself with real friends, male or female, there's no such thing as a perfect life or marriage, you gotta want it to work (both of you) you haven't provided much info as to why your unhappy, is it you ? Or something more. Be true to yourself and your husband, until you do that you will be saying the same thing next year

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1493674 - 03 Jan, 2024 - 09:57PM

Leave this website. No one replies in the main and those that do just bugger off shortly to find someone better. Waste of time being here.

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1641572 - 03 Jan, 2024 - 04:38PM

Well if you are committed to staying in your marriage I thought what Eliza said in her comment is a great start. Your IE may or may not be there but don’t that let define your happiness. I don’t watch for alerts coming through so I don’t let the possibility of starting an exchange or not define my day and my mood. I believe that if you persevere it will become clear by what we say to each other if there is something there worth taking further. Be a happy person and believe in who you are.. Make new friends. Pursue new interests. And be open to the possibility of an intimate relationship. I think being happy makes us more relaxed and able to enjoy ourselves. Good luck on your IE journey

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boav91 - 02 Jan, 2024 - 11:20PM

When I began this journey it was terrifying and i felt like like a fumbling idiot, probably still am but hey. The start brought out all the failure feeling I had from younger.

I do agree with some of the comments below that you have to be clear in your mind what you want and that is not a judgement on anyone, only you need to now what you are and are not comfortable with. Everyone is different.

Then you have to filter the wheat from the Chaff. There will be a lot of chaff but if you know what you want and give it a chance it can work. People talk about finding it hard but also people who have been in relationships for years.

I am still a newbie -ish I guess at 9 months in but I did find my IE. We both want it to work out and we will see what happens from there. Long way to go!

The biggest thing I found that helped me is dont take it too seriously. Dont take rejections to heart and just enjoy the contacts sometimes for what they are. Some may develop others not. Isn't that life?

Good luck a

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