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New Year, New Me?

I have decided 2024 is going to be my year! One of my main priorities is to find happiness for myself as the past few years I have been very unhappy in my marriage. Has anyone any tips for a newbie?

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Comments (37)

Paula99 - 02 Jan, 2024 - 08:54PM

We have all been ‘ IE virgins’ at some point ..good luck to you …you are going to need it…but whether you find your answer here is another story ..😔

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ExoticOrchid - 02 Jan, 2024 - 05:24PM

Ahh but marrieds are very safe unlike singles ... exit affair??? ... Jesus, Mary & Joseph perish the thought ... never by a married ... 🤣🤣🤣🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣

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1447655 - 02 Jan, 2024 - 04:01PM

There are two types of people who do this. The first do it, conversely, to preserve and protect their home-life. The second are stood with a pin in their mouth and a grenade in their fist. OP sounds like the second.

Don't go looking for an exit affair, even subconsciously. It will be messy. Work on your primary life making you happy and having 'this' life as an add on. The other way around and its an ineffective sticky plaster. No lover or amount of sex can make you happy. We have to get that for ourselves.

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LadyDe - 02 Jan, 2024 - 03:13PM


Haha I now have a ticket number taking system in place, my inbox now in a virtual queue and my fingers now have repetitive strain and told work I now need to take this week as holiday ….

And then suddenly I woke up with husband reminding me to do the ironing

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Surprisesurprise - 02 Jan, 2024 - 02:46PM

Agree with a lot of the comments already on here… take your time and make sure you feel comfortable with someone. I’ve had a successful relationship from here previously and now back searching again! Good luck.

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Delicious Chaos - 02 Jan, 2024 - 02:11PM


Not at all, you may well be on of the lucky ones.

For me as someone who has been off and on here for 12 years plus, it really isn’t the place it once was.

I wish you all the best ☺️

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Doricles - 02 Jan, 2024 - 01:42PM

LadyDe - 02 Jan, 2024 - 01:24PM

Anticipate your Inbox filling up with lots of messages from newbies and wannabes hoping to become your new IE 😂😂

marklondonengland - 02 Jan, 2024 - 01:33PM

If you an unhappy in your marriage and you can see a path to leaving it then go - that's the obvious path you need to take. The IE path is more suited if you are restricted in some way. If you can't afford to leave the family home, you don't want to create a broken home for the kids, or some other reason, then consider what is it that is missing from your life. IE offers the chance to find some passion and excitement, but think carefully about the consequences of being caught and also whether you want more than just a sex buddy...

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LadyDe - 02 Jan, 2024 - 01:24PM


Oh no you could have broken it to me gently 🤣🤣
Just had the most amazing IE that sadly had to finish end of the yr… so are you saying that was probably it for me … oh well I’ll pray I get it again

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1535705 - 02 Jan, 2024 - 12:39PM

Good for you. It’s all about having a positive attitude on here as without that it’s going to be tricky.

Would definitely meet people in person or via a video call sooner rather than later as otherwise you’ll never really know if there’s a spark and true potential.

Happy hunting!x

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