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Needle in a Haystack

It's my first time trying anything like this and having looked at a lot of ladies profiles I'm beginning to think that I'm a niche bloke.
Not being 6feet tall, gym going or smart dressing seems to put me in the "get in the sea" category with many.
Have any other "niche" blokes had success finding ladies who take them as they are?

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Comments (124)

GrahamFitz - 29 Apr, 2024 - 11:44PM

Since we're doing man crushes, I was curious and had a look. I agree @Is it in yet? you've got a solid-looking profile there. I like the "post-alpha male" bit at the end, like you used to be that guy, but you've evolved beyond it.

I agree that connection is the key. For that to happen, there are a lot of factors that have to fall into place, and most are down to fate. One thing I can control is my willingness to put myself out there, take a risk, and accept 20 failures in hope of a single success. I'll see where it gets me ...

1664597 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 10:46PM

Honestly I hadn't considered it from that angle. I just wrote what I felt. It seems to have resonated with a few.

I've found most ladies I've had some form of decent connection/conversation with on here really don't care what you've got materially, financially or what you drive. It's almost irrelevant for the purposes of what most of us are looking for here.

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1331250 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 10:21PM

@Isitinyet - nice profile, I suggest the millionaire angle will do a lot to convince women that height isn’t actually so important any more 🤣
Good for you mate, and here’s wishing you every success 👍

1664597 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 09:31PM

LOL @ Gunther.

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1660660 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 09:06PM

@Is it in yet, you are truly outside the haystack with that profile! It makes me want to send you a message.

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1664597 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 08:34PM

Right, a bit of a constructive update to this thread rather than a whinge. I'm 54 and 5'8" but in good shape. I'm hardly Mr 1% Not good looking, not bad looking, Mr average.

I rewrote my profile and changed the avatar image to a (decapitated) picture of me in selfy gym pose showing I'm not a tub of lard.

I have had 5 women contact me in the last 48hrs. A couple simply to say my profile made them smile and cheered up their day. It's nice - we then get chatting, the ice is broken. This is a new experience for me on IE.

So there's something in my profile that clearly resonates with the ladies I'm targeting. Now if I could bottle that and sell it......

I will add this appears to be complete luck rather than wonderfull draughtmanship on my part, I was simply being honest about what I like and don't like and wrote it in a way designed to offend as few as possible and hopefully open some doors. It appears to have worked.

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Paula99 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 02:55PM

There are only so many things you can do to ‘improve ‘ your status on here or any of those ‘stupid ‘ apps …

Sadly you can’t increase our height or the size of your cock ( unless it’s painful surgery 🤐)
You can be 6 ft tall but if you are not making her feel secure and comfortable then it won’t work..women like to feel their guy is invested in them and that they are the ‘only one ‘

Tall guys can be WANKERS also ….😬

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1651928 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 02:50PM

Be who you are,, lies and exaggerations need to be covered which would embarrass me if there was to be a date or meeting !! My main thought is age group..my profile states my choice but I have found it ignored so many times, take the time to reply out of courtesy and never get an ongoing chat and never seem to find a alleged match still live on site.. is it because I am honest but there maybe an IE for me

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Snuggly Chest - 29 Apr, 2024 - 02:07PM

Other than being well above average height I don’t see that I stand out either . Although the women that message me when you’re not a paid member seem to think otherwise!!

Just be yourself.. that’s an attraction to many women .

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1651928 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 01:36PM

Be who you are,, lies and exaggerations need to be covered which would embarrass me if there was to be a date or meeting !! My main thought is age group..my profile states my choice but I have found it ignored so many times, take the time to reply out of courtesy and never get an ongoing chat and never seem to find a alleged match still live on site.. is it because I am honest but there maybe an IE for me

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