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Needle in a Haystack

It's my first time trying anything like this and having looked at a lot of ladies profiles I'm beginning to think that I'm a niche bloke.
Not being 6feet tall, gym going or smart dressing seems to put me in the "get in the sea" category with many.
Have any other "niche" blokes had success finding ladies who take them as they are?

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Comments (124)

1664537 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 01:27PM

Maybe you should make the effort and try to dress at least smart casual when taking someone out or meeting them for the first time.
I belive there is a type for everyone, they just need to notice you.

Loopy045 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 01:03PM

Hey Becky I agree I wish there were more possibilities on this website like a live chat forum where you can interact.

Instead you find yourself looking at blend profiles (only criteria is geographic) without knowing if those profiles are still active or unfortunately professionals or scammers looking for some fools.

You try personalising messages with the info you have as most ladies do not like VK and understandably and often you do not get reply or indication that the message was even read

So very much needles in a haystack

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1408586 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 12:12PM

I believe men massively out number women on regular dating sites too Loopy.

I kind of agree with your point though. Women compromise more when they’re looking for a long term relationship, men compromise more for extra marital sex.

So the OP is struggling not because he’s niche but because he’s average!

I’m sure both men and women on here and regular dating sites and real life agree that looking for the right person is like looking for a needle in a haystack though. That’s what makes it so exciting when we find someone 😈

Loopy045 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 11:53AM

Exactly....I 've been here for some time although I consider myself above average in every department (had lot of attention in classical dating site) and especially I know how to flirt and speak with ladies. Unfortunately, I barely get to that point since psychologically ladies here know they are in demand (let’s be honest more guys they girl go for casual while it is the other way around for LTR) so they start too over inflating themselves and believe they are God’s gift believing guys looking like Brad Pitt would be on that website.
So from above average you become mere commodity…supply and demand especially that lot of guys understood the trick ad start throwing magic words like alfa male ..still laughing on that one , successful, tall,, etc,,,all this bullshit that girls like to hear to feel important and that will get you to the next phase.

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Romeo_Abz - 29 Apr, 2024 - 10:53AM

I know the feeling of this as I think I'm in a niche place as well as either I may not get a reply as probably my opening message isn't great or I'll get declined as I'm short (which I think I'm average 😂) or either they ain't interested in an Asian.

1659756 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 09:56AM

The irony is that you are far from niche in everyday life but this is the internet and women on this site are not here for "average". As a result most men on this site tend to be legends in their own right and inflate their profiles accordingly.

As a result of the above you become "niche" on this site because you are not over inflating your worth. Unfortunately many on this site fall for the story telling of others, which is why unntentional one night stands are so prevalent. You are less likely to find someone on this site if you are not working on yourself.

Therefore my challenge to you, if you are "niche" why seek solice on this site instead of working on yourself? get to the gym, build your brand and find a better career, dress well. Your height is nothing you can help but doing nothing means you are compromising your chances of success.

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1664597 - 28 Apr, 2024 - 10:12AM

I never saw the point in lying. What would I do on the first date, take a hop up with me?

Snuggly Chest - 28 Apr, 2024 - 10:05AM

Tbh I thought everybody here who was male was over 6”

It seems the add an inch or 2 doesn’t just apply to where most men apply it!!

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1664597 - 28 Apr, 2024 - 09:19AM

The height thing is real unfortunately. I'm not entirely sure when it started to be a "thing" but it seems to have become self fulfilling.

I'm 5'8", that seems to be short for a man yet for a woman, tall.

It's to do with heels and perception. There's a caveman part of the brain in women that fundamentally still needs to feel "protected" or at least the physical perception that their man is capable of protecting them if required.

It's preprogrammed it seems, imprinted subconsciously.

So ladies who enjoy a high heel and are 5'5" or over want a minimum 5'10" man.

Statistically at 6'0" + that discounts 84% of the male population. That somewhat narrows your options ladies.

My previous IE was 5'5", she loved wearing heels, I loved her wearing heels! She was slightly taller than me when she did so, neither of us cared because the sex was outstanding!

I have to admit, when I see a lady is 5'6"+ I automatically assume I'll fall at the first hurdle. It doesn't stop me writing a polite message thoug

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cutenessburntagain - 28 Apr, 2024 - 08:23AM

Physical attributes are less important to me as a woman looking for an affair. A man doesn't need to be 6' or a gym rat to be attractive to me.
He does however need to be handsome, intelligent and not emotionally constipated. I like handsome!
I am in despair at the messages I receive though and slowly losing faith that I'll find someone.
Be you, and if you're a decent human, I don't see how you won't find someone.
Good luck to you.

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