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Should I or shouldn’t I?

Hi, my wife and are still very much in love and are actually still having good sex but we both feel there’s a little something missing. So, we have just recently started an open relationship and we’ve both newly joined IE in the last couple of weeks or so. We’re both looking for quite different things from IE but obviously ultimately it comes down to wanting to get intimate with someone other than each other.
My wife seems to be getting loads of attention but me, not so much.
My question is, do you think the fact that I’ve mentioned in my profile about being in an open relationship is putting a lot of ladies off.
Should I not mention it? Or is it something else?

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Comments (91)

Emerald Dream - 10 Jul, 2024 - 01:44AM

I hope you have thought this through and established some ground rules for your open relationship . It’s already irking you that your wife is attracting more attention than you . I agree with others and think to avoid problems in your marriage you need to look for another way to spice things up , preferably together as a couple . Short term thrills can be managed better via other avenues together .

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CinqA7-69 - 09 Jul, 2024 - 09:05PM

Sorry that was the wrong thread

CinqA7-69 - 09 Jul, 2024 - 09:05PM

There are many risks having an affair outside work. In today’s workplace, romance is an even more dangerous game. However it is incredibly horny. I would love to have sex in my office up against the window. I did invite my wife to do that but she declined. 😕 (she isn’t a co-worker).
However the consequences of it turning sour are very severe. I think the only reasonable situation where it might be safe is in roles where people move around departments and locations on a relatively regular basis so that there can be a natural end, or an ongoing affair without the prying eyes of the colleagues.

CherryStiletto - 07 Jul, 2024 - 03:19PM

I think that couples embracing ethical non-monogamy is really healthy for a marriage and as long as you are strong communicators it is a great direction to go in.

As others have said, it's a woman's domain on here so she will get more attention. Personally I've enjoyed being part of an ENM relationship, his wife even baked me gingerbread one Christmas!

I'd not be put off at all, but for some, maybe the secrecy is a turn on for them and the fact that you are openly non-monogamous could take away that for them.

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AsianGent1986 - 06 Jul, 2024 - 03:52PM

Dude. It’s a women’s marketplace. Surely you are not so naive to think you would garner anywhere near the attention your wife would. It doesn’t even matter if you are the more attractive one. A 2/10 would get more attention from the opposite sex than the typical man. Frankly you have made a grave grave mistake in opening up your relationship in this way and you would have been better off full swapping with other couples (swinging) than the route you have taken.

I truly weep for how naive you are. Dare I say you’ve stuck the last nail in to your marriage and the writing is on the wall.

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Enigma.. - 06 Jul, 2024 - 03:04PM

There are those on Flirt Forum that offer good advice.
Share experiences.
And there are those that comment…. Usually in a positive way.
Those that don’t take heed… 😏😂🤔😉

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Funguy77 - 06 Jul, 2024 - 02:15PM

lol I missed theses posts

ExoticOrchid - 06 Jul, 2024 - 01:29PM

Indeed P99.
I wouldn't say something I have not experienced.

This outdated perception of "swinging" from those who have no idea does make me laugh though ... going on and on about keys in a bowl by the door and not wanting to see each with others, etc!!! 🙄

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Pink Eiga - 06 Jul, 2024 - 01:17PM

Paula99 - 06 Jul, 2024 - 11:57AM

The last bit of your post is very attractive indeed! 🤣🤣

Paula99 - 06 Jul, 2024 - 11:57AM

The OP in this debate has had information from both sides… the opinions in here are not from over thinking individuals but from the ones that have been in his position…have the experience to ‘say it as it is ‘ and come out the other end…in terms of being a newbie and testing the waters as such we have all thought’ hmmmm wish I knew this before ‘ …but in fairness to the OP he has his reasons and rules are meant to be broken..

Whatever decisions we make it will make an impact on our lives whether it’s good or bad but as my father used to say ..we make our beds and lie in them ( or we borrow other peoples beds )🤪

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