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Hot & Cold

My IE goes from hot to cold very quickly - for ages I hear nothing, than weeks of attention. I let it go because we're both married, and we have this intense connection, but the coldness drives me insane. Do I confront him? Or should I play hard to get too?

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Comments (94)

Paula99 - 08 Aug, 2022 - 02:51PM

High maintenance women/ guys...not worth the hassle....too much drama

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1396850 - 09 Dec, 2020 - 09:42PM

I've had this the guy I'm seeing chats to me for a while then he vanishes for weeks then appears out of nowhere just as I think I was getting over him to make me feel for him again just to disappear feel like be wants one thing

1413266 - 05 Nov, 2020 - 04:44PM

In my opinion, born out of experience, is that the late or reluctant responder to msgs is either playing the field, hence busy, or just not that interested. If you are made to feel you are being kept dangling.... then you are. Best to cut and run and find another on here that will give you the attention you deserve. Sadly.

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Ade.mac2017 - 28 Sep, 2020 - 09:40PM

Don’t worry my ie gets hardly any attention. I think I’m doing it all wrong.

Your Sexy Woman - 28 Sep, 2020 - 08:55PM

You've attracted a certain type that doesn't suit you. If you feel the need to play him at his game, he's not right for you. Find someone who matches what you're wanting. If you're both equally invested in each other, these games don't happen. I would move on and find someone who suits you better. It won't take you long.

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1365082 - 28 Sep, 2020 - 07:18PM

I agree with the majority below, tell him how it makes you feel and just share, his response will tell you a lot and you can make the decision, but just remember that no one should make you feel rubbish, whether you're married to them or you're having a fling... just be good to yourself x good luck

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1329251 - 07 Sep, 2020 - 08:50AM

Confrontation is probably to harsh a word, I'd say discuss it, just so you're both aware of what is happening during these quiet times, so you both don't over think it xxx
Definitely talk about it in a relaxed way, else it'll gestate into something worse xxx

Arlilane - 07 Sep, 2020 - 12:28AM

Honestly, it isn't worth it.
Had a guy i was gelling with and was going good. He went quite and I refuse to chase. He then contacts me days later and somehow twists it as though I went quite. Was willing to draw a line and say that is was maybe a breakdown of communication. He was more interested in telling me that it was my fault and I was i the wrong. If he was looking for me take the blame, he came up short. He then said he no problem telling me when I am in the wrong. Which I cheekily replied 'Well good luck, cause I am never wrong'. Spoke on the phone and thought sorted. Sent him a message next day to say hi and tell him when i was free that day to chat, as he said he wanted to talk. And now.. he has gone silent again. Too old for whatever insecurity bulls**t he has going on. So nope, cut him lose.
So my suggestion, if you are getting that type of extreme behaviour and you dont know where you stand, cut them loose. There are others that will match you better and not worth giving me to time wasters

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Relaxed Vibes - 06 Sep, 2020 - 02:33PM

Don’t play games. If you’re your IE is making you feel inadequate then it’s best to end things and move on. An affair is meant to add a spring to your step not a dark cloud over your head.

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Zara1981 - 06 Sep, 2020 - 02:09PM

I can’t be doing with the hot and cold sorts ... I want electric ! Something addictive ! Not something I can take or leave!!
I very much take more notice of actions than words.... in my experience , the quieter times when they are a bit bored of you and I trying something new!!

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