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First date

When do you know it's time to suggest going for dinner on a first date? Or are first date drinks more appropriate? x

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Comments (119)

Funguy77 - 06 Feb, 2024 - 09:43AM

Do you not think that conversation during a first meeting can naturally be awkward at the start? And as time goes by it improves? . This brings me on to the question are we collectively expecting too much from a first date / meet? After all we are naturally suspicious creatures who tend to put up our guard

Purple dreamer - 06 Feb, 2024 - 08:42AM

I think both parties will know if it feels right and when the time is right

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Pleasurepole - 02 Dec, 2021 - 04:25PM

Just arrange to meet up in a pub. You’ll get a much better idea if this person is for you when you meet face to face. For starters you’ll see if you’re physically attracted to one another. You’ll also see if you’re know if there are no awkward silences or not compatible with one another too. If your date goes well either take it elsewhere or arrange another date. If you’re not feeling it simply say lovely to meet you but I don’t think you’re not really what I’m looking for and move on . Fingers crossed for you, hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for.

1483842 - 23 Oct, 2021 - 09:38PM

Straight away. Do not beat about the bush if that's what you really want. It's like passing a stranger in the street and you get a jolt in the gut. If it feels right then go for it

1459408 - 09 Oct, 2021 - 09:03PM

Yep the first date . It can be like facing the hangman’s noose(once it’s around your neck there’s not much chance of escape) so my I suggest for the first meet whether it’s for a coffee(remember to ask for it extra hot it normally turns up lukewarm) or you go along the let’s go for a drink path (always best to have some alcohol inside you if you’re going to be hung) so I think its best if you’re seated near to a exit door suitable for a quick getaway if you don’t fancy one another in the looks department!!!! However if you can be seated near a toilet(yes I do realise the stench of urine is hardly an aperitif for foreplay of the
mind) The thing is you may be able to fake it !! oh I’m not feeling very well I’m going to be ill then you can go into said toilet vomit then go… in reality just go somewhere anywhere get the first meet over and done with hope for the best? If it doesn’t go well then there’s always the hangman’s noose Get On Up (as James Brown used to sing)

Steven 811 - 08 Oct, 2021 - 10:37PM

Meet in a pup . If she don't like the look of you .or you her .. easy to leave .... can text and say sorry .but

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1400607 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 09:25PM

Wow , really ?? You need advice when to ask someone for dinner ? There's no hard and fast rule , communicate with each other and make a decision that works for both - simple.

Personally i prefer drinks on a first date - means no one is committed to stay for any length of time lol

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1465941 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 08:17PM

Who puts these topics up for discussions? Some of the questions are mind blowing, I mean do you really need advice on when to suggest a first date? This is why people are spending months here, people don't seem to know what direction they want to take.

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Old Grey Wolf - 07 Oct, 2021 - 06:16PM

Dinner, drinks with, ideally in country pub (unless she or you are into fine dining) Intimate table, By now you should know the direction to take; at least one of y ou should!

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Flaneur2022 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 05:26PM

For this to work it needs commitment

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