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Is it just me, or do you get bored of someone sending you a long essay for
a first message? I never bother to read it, cos gurantee probably bore you
to death in real life.
Not here to read a novel, make it nice simple and direct.

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Comments (234)

Hertsguy36 - 26 Jan, 2021 - 05:42PM

It is very difficult for a guy to get it right here.

I always try to write a well considered message, mentioning things from someone’s profile that have appealed to me or that resonate with something that I am seeking.

As others have said, it’s soul destroying to then get zero response, I can honestly say getting a reply of ‘are you having a laugh’ (yes I’ve had that!) or even ‘piss off fugly’ is soooo much better than not getting a reply at all, you see it’s the silence that kills!!

I know you ladies get hundreds of messages and to try and reply to them all is a chore, but please please try and have a read through the well thought out ones and reply, any reply, I for ne would hugely appreciate it.


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citygent69 - 26 Jan, 2021 - 03:52PM

Speaking from the guy's perspective, it is somewhat disheartening crafting a lengthy thoughtful tailored note to then get zero response..repeatedly .Hence, I have of late resorted to sending a VK and say in my profile that if there is reciprocal interest, I shall be delighted to write at much more length: whilst I appreciate the general dislike of VKs, that approach seems to have been ok

1433789 - 26 Jan, 2021 - 03:39PM

How are you meant to make a perfect introduction without sounding too keen?

Annaverylondon - 26 Jan, 2021 - 03:37PM

No. The total opposite here. I love a long (and well written) introduction. It means he's made a bit of an effort. And if I like his profile he will get a good personal reply back.
What do oyu want in a conversation? Want a shag? :):)

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Katie marie - 26 Jan, 2021 - 02:55PM

I honestly prefer a nicely worded message that’s taken time and thought rather than someone just sends you a virtual kiss or a hey. I feel it shows they are actually interested in you. That being said if they just copy and paste then why bother such a waste of time if they won’t put a bit of effort in then why should I!

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1360278 - 26 Jan, 2021 - 02:55PM

I prefer a vshort "Hey, I like ( something about my profile)" and then a password swap on the first message. No point in long messages if we are not a match. It just leaves the person who is vested i.e long message wise,feeling some type of way if you then say you are not interested).

Maria Jones - 26 Jan, 2021 - 02:31PM

@ Getting2KnowU

Yes that's absolutely right. It's really unfair men on here have to make a huge effort to get any sort of response and we can sniff out a copy & paste job from a mile away. It means you DO have to have at least glanced at our profiles before you get in contact. Even addressing us by name would be a start. Anyway IE is so fabulous because for once in our lives the women are in charge of whether things go anywhere. The guys who are successful here understand that and play with it and as a result are really attractive. x

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SunInFlight - 26 Jan, 2021 - 12:21PM

I might be the bore...worryingly, but I like to acknowledge that I read the other person's profile at least. Genuinely want to find out about the person too.

It's not like this is an app we can have pining away on the kitchen table so tend to be more wordy than I would be on WhatsApp etc..

I'll try and be more succinct 😁

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1320953 - 26 Jan, 2021 - 12:01PM

I'm the opposite, it's nice to get a properly written message. Instead of a hi or a VK they seem lazy and shows no enthusiasm. First impressions are important. I hate text speak too!

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Princess0121 - 26 Jan, 2021 - 10:08AM

This is a hard one. Some people feel like they have to justify why they are on here and that can be very tricky. I don’t think anyone is interested in knowing when you last hooked up with your partner or Mrs Also we don’t want a cut and copy-paste of your profile as your introductory paragraph. Some people are just lazy and trying to multitask by sending a dozen messages to see who’s interested.

You have to acknowledge the person’s profile by at least having a sneaky preview of what they seek on here. And then just send something that will catch their eye or stand out from dozens of impersonal messages.

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