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Is it just me, or do you get bored of someone sending you a long essay for
a first message? I never bother to read it, cos gurantee probably bore you
to death in real life.
Not here to read a novel, make it nice simple and direct.

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Comments (234)

Treasure73 - 31 Oct, 2020 - 11:06AM

Long messages can be intriguing and well as a turn off..

1117169 - 31 Oct, 2020 - 08:09AM

Most of the messages I have received say little more than "Hi"

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1117169 - 31 Oct, 2020 - 08:07AM


Spot on!

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Fluffy Sunshine - 31 Oct, 2020 - 06:10AM

I have had erotica sent as a first message, which is off putting. Not even an hello. I have also had, here is my photo password, what is yours? He was over 200 miles away. So pointless. I prefer a message that at least shows someone has read my profile.

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1086338 - 30 Oct, 2020 - 11:31PM

I don’t think it matters, either you meet someone’s wants in your description or you don’t.

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Manxbear - 30 Oct, 2020 - 11:14PM

What ever you try it’s hard work guys but remember the playing field is not level the is a lot more men than lady’s on here so they have to pic the weed from the chaff and I’m sure they have an awful lot of chaff to deal with lol

Lillib - 30 Oct, 2020 - 10:04PM

We ladies are sometimes hard to please so whether a message is long or short, it doesn’t matter at times.
What matters is the content
I once got a nice poem on a first message, yes that got my attention.
I have gotten a whole novel too, it was damn so long but it was an interesting read.
There are some boring once
Someone once sent me an hello and his next message was what he did from getting off the bed to having his dinner, I had to tell him I have met someone 😳

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1404932 - 30 Oct, 2020 - 08:59PM

Do you know I get so annoyed when men message you and call you sexy on the very first message.

For 1, you have no idea what I look like and for 2. I find it very offensive 😡

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786314 - 30 Oct, 2020 - 07:32PM

I get frustrated messages and they vent their frustrations at me. Why?

Nic70 - 30 Oct, 2020 - 04:21PM

I have always liked a good novel and something interesting to read. What better than an interested person reaching out to you for wicked ways? But otherwise pretty much as @Rosebud says though but with the caveat that it is good to know that there is someone reaching out to you with wicked ways possibly in mind.

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