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Personal Maintenance

I prefer a facially well groomed man with a beard or not. But have met men who neglect certain areas which spoils the overall effect. Ear hairs, nose hairs, blackheads, flakey skin, hair growing from top if nose. Why can't men make sure their skin, hair and nails are in check and tidy? How would they like a woman turning up with all that? Get with the maintenance programme!

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Comments (170)

Jaqueline29 - 06 Jun, 2022 - 12:13AM

I also prefer a man who keeps himself well maintained and you’ve made a good point about if us women didn’t make the effort. The man would be more likely to say something about it, which is interesting

rodstripe - 02 Jun, 2022 - 09:37PM

I too find facial hair quite triggering and carry around tweezers in my bag at all times. I think its great that there are lots of untidy and unclean men on IE ...it reduces the competition!

Paula99 - 02 Jun, 2022 - 11:35AM


You try having a couple of kids and even if you do your pelvic floor exercises ..it never returns properly..plus every month women carry excess water.....add a water infection to the equation and you think we should wash our bits after every visit to the loo???

Oh well it just means you will have to look after the kids...cook the dinner..clean up the house..

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Pink Eiga - 01 Jun, 2022 - 08:09PM


Does that mean there is less of a drive now to fully sign up for a gentleman’s membership?

Wantwetwill - 01 Jun, 2022 - 07:46PM

Bored Housewifec746... always astonishes me when I find people who do not wash the general area after visits to the loo. Most of the world its a given, but less so in UK. Love to give the pleasure of oral... but always more enjoyable when clean! I notice my partner has brushed up on this since IE.

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Wantwetwill - 01 Jun, 2022 - 07:46PM

Bored Housewifec746... always astonishes me when I find people who do not wash the general area after visits to the loo. Most of the world its a given, but less so in UK. Love to give the pleasure of oral... but always more enjoyable when clean! I notice my partner has brushed up on this since IE.

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bobbyblueboots - 01 Jun, 2022 - 06:44PM

I have had a beard for longer than I care to remember and while some see it as a cheat for not having to shave, I find it actually requires as much or more attention. It can look scruffy very quickly, especially close up. I swap between various trimmers and shavers, to try and keep things tidy.

rarity23 - 29 May, 2022 - 11:50PM

Fluffy clouds, 20th May

Sure, point taken about the question.
I shave daily, and trim other facial hair a few times a week anyway !!!!

Can't see why a guy wouldn't do this

1511917 - 25 May, 2022 - 08:59PM

And gnarly gonads 😂

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Goodkitty - 25 May, 2022 - 08:51PM

Not just facial hair… I met a guy , literally festooned with dog hairs . Labradors and navy sweaters….. not good bedfellows… smelled quite labradorish too.. I’m allergic to dogs and cats…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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