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Personal Maintenance

I prefer a facially well groomed man with a beard or not. But have met men who neglect certain areas which spoils the overall effect. Ear hairs, nose hairs, blackheads, flakey skin, hair growing from top if nose. Why can't men make sure their skin, hair and nails are in check and tidy? How would they like a woman turning up with all that? Get with the maintenance programme!

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Comments (170)

Cheesypuff - 07 Jan, 2023 - 09:11PM

Thank you Mrs Gilmore

My friend says that in return he would be happy to put his Vajazzle skills to use on them.

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1447655 - 07 Jan, 2023 - 07:18PM

Mr Puff,
I'm terribly sorry to read of your friends dexterity issues. I would like to reassure him, however, that there are a number of female members who are experts at manscaping. Therefore, I would advise your friend that all he needs is the capacity to stay very still, and try not to cough. Im sure he can look forward to a smooth and enjoyable ride. 😉

Cheesypuff - 07 Jan, 2023 - 05:24PM

Paula99 - 07 Jan, 2023 - 05:05PM

I love it when you roll your eyes at me 🍆

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Paula99 - 07 Jan, 2023 - 05:05PM


Very cheesy 🙄

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Cheesypuff - 07 Jan, 2023 - 04:36PM

Paula99 - 07 Jan, 2023 - 11:52AM

Paula I'm confused, are you saying it's preferable for the shaft to be hairy on the top but not the bottom? I'm not sure my friend has the dexterity or necessary Bic skillset to accomplish this look to a satisfactory standard.

Paula99 - 07 Jan, 2023 - 11:52AM


Hair down below is a not acceptable 😖

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laugar164 - 07 Jan, 2023 - 11:48AM

Aftershave is a daily routine for me even if I'm not going anywhere it's just a personal thing for me to smell nice I have several bottles to choose from to mix it up

Cheesypuff - 07 Jan, 2023 - 11:07AM

Is a hairy shaft a turn off?
Asking for a friend.

Marlen - 06 Jan, 2023 - 07:11AM

It goes without saying that personal hygiene is a prerequisite. However, some people have different definitions, with ladies standards being higher than men's. So guys, no engine oil under nails or sawdust in the hair! Personally, I never wear aftershave and had no complaints from previous ladies...its going to be difficult to explain to the wife if I'm wearing it!

Pink Eiga - 05 Jan, 2023 - 11:11PM

Or overnight fish curry 🤢

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