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Kind let down?

Hi. I'm new here so this might have been asked before but how do you let
people down gently after seeing pics?

I'm not a horrible person and certainly don't think I'm all that but
sometimes you are just not attracted to them, don't want to hurt their
feelings but equally don't want to waste anyone's time.

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Comments (56)

Paula99 - 01 Feb, 2024 - 02:11PM

We are all adults so why behave like school kids 🤔

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Funguy77 - 01 Feb, 2024 - 02:05PM

You need to know what buttons to push lol but there’s one button ladies have you better know how to find it and use it 😜 if you cant find the 🤷🏻‍♂️ or the 👉👌💦 then there’s no hope for you


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giggly hamster - 01 Feb, 2024 - 01:36PM

now, unless I'm mistaken didn't I put one up which was me standing grinning like an idiot, and send yout he PW and because it was hastily taken you didn't think that much of it so I took it down until some better images get taken.

So it looks like we'll agree to disagree on that one. But this is your court so, you'll win this one by default.
It doesn't matter - you like Hedone will never give the likes of me the time of day anyway, especially not now. however I do enjoy reading your voices. If I met both of you there certainly wouldn't be any bad blood, life's too short for resentments. keep smiling both of you, and don't change.

Either way, on a totally different note...

How do you manage to get those shrug shoulder emoji's on your replies?

LadyDe - 01 Feb, 2024 - 01:08PM


Ooops sorry I best clarify…. He sent me his PW but it had no pictures of him on (scenery and pub glasses) Maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt a mean he did exchange back ….. ah nah !!!

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1614937 - 01 Feb, 2024 - 01:03PM

ExoticOrchid - 31 Jan, 2024 - 08:29PM

My mistake - I thought you were following on from Hedone and Paula99.

And I'm sorry that you didn't realise that last year's comment was a joke stolen from a TV comedian. I guess I should do a GH and get my coat, too!

giggly hamster - 01 Feb, 2024 - 12:41PM

lets not be hasty, I said I'd get me coat, I didn't say I'm outta here. I never did do the flouncing thing.

As for dissapointing you again, I aim to please - you knew I wouldn't let you down in that respect.

So as much as one is a complete tit, I could be considered a DD (Dependably Disappointing). tit.

which begs the question was there ever a Schrodingers tit or a a Schrodingers coat, and am I holding two coats or one?

I'm not even going to risk coat getting number three, that could lead to all sorts of questions.

ExoticOrchid - 01 Feb, 2024 - 12:22PM

LadyDe - 09:30AM

You mean gh refused point blank to give you his pw in return for yours??? 😮

LadyDe - 01 Feb, 2024 - 11:51AM

@Giggly hamster

You not staying for my reply … you do disappoint (again) 🤷‍♀️

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giggly hamster - 01 Feb, 2024 - 11:27AM

Shrodinger, not schroedinger!!

One can't even play the intellectual card without making spelling mistakes.

terrible business, just shocking. Therefore on a metaphysical level one can conclude that the photograph was a physical allegory to my inability to spell a name right.

I shall get my coat a second time.

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giggly hamster - 01 Feb, 2024 - 11:22AM

"Giggly you said it was a poor thing that Enigma didn’t reciprocate with a pic …. Kettle and black come to mind .. I gave you my PW, now I don’t always expect one back if I’m not a persons look, but come on you said you don’t even have any pics ….. quite why you’re here 🤷‍♀️ "

OK, I'll wear that one. I can see the double standard in that, and in this case Pot me has called kettle me black.
Anyway, you're right- why am I here? - I'm not real, I'm a figment off the internet, everyone on here is schroedinger's human until you see them in the wilds of real life and realise their teeth were photoshopped white and their hands are ickle instead of widdle or big as described.

As for pics, the one that was there was sin awful, you know it, I know it, so until I get a decent sin awful one, there's no point parking one on there. If I'm going to be rejected madam, i'd like to keep my photographic dignity.

ahhh, Verbal jousitng... such fun...

I'll get me coat...

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