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Kind let down?

Hi. I'm new here so this might have been asked before but how do you let
people down gently after seeing pics?

I'm not a horrible person and certainly don't think I'm all that but
sometimes you are just not attracted to them, don't want to hurt their
feelings but equally don't want to waste anyone's time.

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Comments (56)

Funguy77 - 01 Feb, 2024 - 11:01AM

@ Hottie Spicy

Could not agree more regarding swapping pictures
I’m my experience and before the comment trolls start there Drama this is my opinion and experience on this site it has been the woman who do this more often. It used to really annoy me but now I’m a little more thick skinned it’s just sad lol

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LadyDe - 01 Feb, 2024 - 09:31AM

@ Hottie Spicy

Ditto … !!!

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LadyDe - 01 Feb, 2024 - 09:30AM

Giggly you said it was a poor thing that Enigma didn’t reciprocate with a pic …. Kettle and black come to mind .. I gave you my PW, now I don’t always expect one back if I’m not a persons look, but come on you said you don’t even have any pics ….. quite why you’re here 🤷‍♀️

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1586130 - 01 Feb, 2024 - 07:22AM

Giggly is dead right. If you both agree to swap passwords, then withholding your pictures because you don't fancy theirs is a dick move.

And if you really don't like the look of them, it's much better karma to say "thanks but you're not my type" instead of ghosting them.

Good manners cost nothing.

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LadyDe - 01 Feb, 2024 - 12:35AM

Hey if I guy asks me for my PW after one or a few chats and they give me theirs I’ll always respond with …
“Just for the fun here’s my PW”
Because I’m chilled about me and chilled about my pics … if you’re interested you are, if not then I’ve had quite a few say my look isn’t for them …… will I cry over the fact they can’t see past my pillar box red hair to what I can offer 🤔…….. nah 🤭😈

InNeedofExcitementAgain - 31 Jan, 2024 - 10:45PM

I would just tell them directly that they’re not your type really but thank you for the interest. It is difficult, I hate letting people down so I feel your pain. But you have to just do it or it may drag on.

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ExoticOrchid - 31 Jan, 2024 - 10:28PM

TBH - 10:09PM

Ahh must be a case of confused desperation???

Pink Eiga - 31 Jan, 2024 - 10:09PM

ExoticOrchid - 31 Jan, 2024 - 08:29PM

Interestingly, the same person went out of their way to point out that one of my posts on another thread wasn’t answering the OP’s question 😉

giggly hamster - 31 Jan, 2024 - 09:54PM

" I really don’t get the show me yours and I’ll show you mine, it’s a pointless exercise if one of you says no. "

easy. Because he's done you the curtesy of agreeing to show you what he looks like, and the least you could do is return the favour.

Had it been the other way round and you'd given him your PW first and then he'd said sorry its not worth showing you what I look like because you're not all that,, it's hardly a nice thing is it. It's one sided.

Sure, Enigma may be right in saying piss or get off the pot but for you to make a point of getting a look at the bloke and not reciprocating is a poor thing.

photo's only half the story - personality is another, and I've known women who are stunning to look at, met them and they're complete tea towel holders as a person.

Luckily for me, I'll never have that problem with you as it'll never get that far. And I think I'm alright with that- I'm far too ugly for you. As my aussie mate would say - yea/nah

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ExoticOrchid - 31 Jan, 2024 - 09:44PM

Quite a few men send their pw with the *first* message ... in that instance I feel no obligation whatsoever to give them mine, absolutely none.

However, in my personal opinion, if a woman asks for the man's pw first, then she should give hers, irrespective of her negative reaction to his pic.

My personal opinion folks, deal with it ... especially those who think it's OK to shame their spouse in public.

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